Joe Lieberman: I'll filibuster Harry Reid's plan

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tigerjaw, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. Yea, Goldman saved Goldmans hide in the form of one Hank Paulson et al, thats the breach, if it were a flat tire the glue you injected to fix it would rush to there. I'm not defending dems here I'm attacking the whole capitalist system the one you think is so self deterministic and pays its own way; implicit when your kind screams socialism. Its never going to be the meritocracy
    purported by wing nuts that it ought to be because there will always be that ...influence present where determining who, where and for what the tax dollars go for. That and the art of equivocation will always insure that we can't prove the decision was corruption. Freedom is just the first line of defense for how our gangsters do business. Please stop trying to channel Patrick Henry the cameras aren't rolling.
    #21     Oct 27, 2009
  2. Oh I see - - you are a hardcore communist. Yeah, that worked out well for the world didnt it ?
    And to you freedom is just some kind of illusion or a marketing trick for the crooks who will never be defeated - while reward by merit is also undesireable. So, is 'socialism/marxism/progressivism' another marketing trick but for avowed commie 'elites' using that brand instead ?

    Patrick Henry isn't such a bad fellow to read (or channel) - - - Marx, - not so much - but knock yourself out. - - -

    P.S. - - to my Dem friends who believe in the Constitution and this country - - - I hope youre reading this to see what elements have taken over your party, the party of Thomas Jefferson. Time to take it back from them. Regards to you (and screw him)
    #22     Oct 27, 2009
  3. If you're going to get all mutant on me then ...your'e not worth my time.
    #23     Oct 27, 2009
  4. Yeah run you coward !

    The light of rational argument always scares off these mini-dictators. He'll undoubtedly seek a job as a govt carbon cop, getting off on giving you tickets for leaving your stereo on too long.
    #24     Oct 27, 2009
  5. good stuff ! thanks
    #25     Oct 27, 2009
  6. Omegapoint, what do want to replace capitalism with? Main St. America, which is all I've ever known is still operating and always will after these hard years pass. Wall St. and politicians aren't what made this country what it is obviously, although they would have you believe they do. The communist party had a resurgence in America in the 1930's. Coincidence?

    By the way, imo your handle is :cool:
    #26     Oct 27, 2009
  7. I know you didn't address your question to me, but I hope you don't mind if I comment a bit.

    The fallacy is that capitalism failed in the 30s, and in our own times. But capitalism didn't fail; we havent had true capitalism for a very long time. From the very beginning of the nation there was the battle between those that believed the govt should serve the common people (Thomas Jefferson) and those that wanted to re-create the same kind of merchantilist govt/bank control that the British crown imposed and for which the colonists fought the American Revolution. Hamilton supported the elitist view. He was an elitist and thought the Brit system was great as long as people like himself were in charge. "Its great to be King !" Hamiliton also believed that most Americans were lazy and needed to be taxed heavily or they wouldnt work - - I kid you not. (Much of what he wrote in the Federalist Papers was for public consumption in order to get approval for establishing a central bank, and quite different than what he wrote and said at other times & places. )- - As can be imagined Jefferson and Hamiliton hated each other. Unfortunately Hamiltons vision has won out. - - - But it doesnt have to be that way. We can take our country back again from the lawyer/liar politicians and central bankers. - - Communism is Not the answer. It never worked and millions were killed under it. More lies, but this time about a 'Peoples Paradise' while their elites stole what little there was from everyone else. Their elites had limos and western goods - which their system was unable to produce - while little old ladies had to wait in long lines all day to get a little food from mostly empty 'store' shelves. - - - We can do much better than that. Regards & again pardon me for my interuption, - -

    And excellent source of information on true democracy and capitalism can be found at
    #27     Oct 27, 2009
  8. What would I want to replace capitalism with? How about muskrat love. Seriously, the answer is about as relevant as the question. These labels that stand in for a reasoned examination of the forces that actually are at work does noone any good.
    America is no longer the little village that could where hard work gets rewarded. I've lost any faith in that working people have much clout against the powers that have figured out how to
    rig the system; probably what alot of people would call Freedom. Its that word ...Work. The little lady that changes your sheets at the Hyatt -- thats work. Who some cynics would hold in contempt for her lack of education. What made this country great? Probably ammo.
    #28     Oct 27, 2009
  9. I see . . . (and I'm absolutely not trying to be a smarta$$) - - youve given up. I can understand that; sometimes it seems pretty bleak and hopeless. To me too. All the politicians are full of it and I don't believe anything they say. The 'elites' of all systems game it against the little guys while manipulating them with the b.s. they long to hear.
    But the way I see it, we're all here for only a relatively very short span of time. All we can do is the very best with the time we have. We can choose to fight the good fight and not go quietly into the night. (My full allotment of cliches, but what the hell. ) Regards, - - -
    #29     Oct 27, 2009
  10. I understand both sides of the argument. We can hash things out in a forum like this like hornets in a jar and think we're making a difference but its like your football team losing all the time. At some point you stop living and dying by their win/loss record. I trust corporations less than I might trust a government that corporations haven't meddled with. Afterall, Goldman isn't going to invoke regulations on themselves can stretch that concept to fit any corporation whose interests have little to do with any general welfare. If its possible that government can run healthcare then the profit can, at least for just this ONE little corner of our social organisation, then eliminating the billions of dollars in profit might go towards helping ...people. Careers, ambitions -- I have reservations about their vision w/o perspective.
    #30     Oct 27, 2009