Joe Legal vs. Joe Illegal

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jficquette, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. Eight


    I'm not waiting for this bullshit government to fix anything. I was working as a highly skilled technician, I had black neighbors that were on all the welfare programs, section 8 housing, food stamps, special tutoring for their kids, they lived at the similar level I did. That bitch would not give us whiteys the time of day without screaming about harassment or some shit like that.... I ran up the cards and quit working.. why not just give the system the finger and tell them to take their plans and shove it? Drew two and a half years of unemployment [Bush extension, BO extension, I'd get another few months but they are busting my balls about looking for a job and I don't want to risk an investigation] and worked on trading schemes... it was risky what I did but it was BY FAR THE BEST DECISION I EVER MADE..... I used to not resent paying for the Great Society.. but ILLEGAL ALIENS live off of it? End of discussion for me.. if America wants to be over with I'm not going down with the ship... Once I get trading up and running nicely here I'm getting the hell out before the really big and inevitable collapse that has to come eventually... that bitch that hated whiteys and her children will be killing us for our food, I'd love to stick around and see what the score is before they get me but it's not really my idea of a good time...
    #11     Jul 7, 2009

  2. please define what it means to be a "slave"

    than grow the hell up
    #12     Jul 7, 2009
  3. Maybe we should just annex Mexico.
    #13     Jul 7, 2009
  4. Don't you mean "then grow the hell up."??

    What about my post upset you so much?? Do you really think the US taxpayers should provide the agribusinesses, food services, construction, timber and some mining jobs with all the support (medical, welfare, education, etc) for cheap slave labor they import (you figure out what I mean by slave, think about it) all illegally, all while undercutting current wages and making a profit on the backs of the bruised.
    #14     Jul 7, 2009
  5. I think we did that, to some extent anyway, back in the 1840's. And I've even read some of the current petition to do so. American workers are being forced to accept globalization, the exporting of jobs, and salary/wage revervsion to the overall mean. The major corporations are the ones who profit from all of this, and the same thing applies to the illegal alien worker. This is the exporting of jobs, without the export part.

    There is no easy answer, but a simple send them back, cut them off, because of the word illegal/undocumented, whatever just doesn't seem to justify rash action, IMO.

    There are 3rd and 4th generation Americans on public welfare, who provide nothing in the way of labor. I just can't get to the point of hating a person who works 60 hours a week to feed his family. If we're going to enforce any of this, start with employers.

    #15     Jul 8, 2009
  6. If we're going to enforce any of this, start with employers.

    Enforcement should not be the employers responsibility. Just my 2 cents.

    On the flip side, a police officer is not required to ask a person if they are a citizen or illegal (I'm almost sure it is against policy).

    Rather ironic.
    #16     Jul 8, 2009
  7. Yes, start with the employers.

    I doubt there are many who would hate a "person who works 60 hours a week to feed his family", but there are many who rightfully so despise the person who is at best resentful of other races and belongs to and supports hate and racial supremist groups like La Raza (Sotomayor) and disregard our laws ( to the point where their race is the now the majority in California's prisons), who believe that this is their land and that all other races should be ethically cleansed once they take control. Take a closer look and I think your romantic version of an illegal alien misses reality by a mile.
    #17     Jul 8, 2009
  8. I agree. First time some employer here in California refuses to hire someone because they can't prove they are legal they will get hit with some racial discrimination suit.

    Plus quite frankly, illegals work their asses off. I wouldn't have problems hiring illegals because they are willing to work.

    The problems I have with them is they get here and have big families who all end up sponging off the social services system. Plus they vote illegally. Take away the illegal vote and voter fraud and Obama wouldn't even have been the nominee.

    Hispanics ran off the white trash and blacks from the construction business years ago simply because they show up everyday and work like fiends. All whites wanted to do was smoke dope and argue and the blacks just wanted to listen to ghetto music and drink and do as little as possible. I know. I use to build houses. I wish I had illegals to draw from back in the mid 80's when I was in the business.

    I say close the borders first. Then get rid of free health care and services for illegals then find some way to tax them.

    #18     Jul 8, 2009
  9. I know a guy from Mexico roofing up here. He borrowed $1000 to get across the border and then he walked for 5 days through southern Texas, with nothing but beans and water for the first 3 days, the last 2 days he only had water. Now he's installing shingles on roofs. Now that is one hell of a work ethic.
    #19     Jul 8, 2009
  10. I think it would be easier to verify a SS number/ID via simple computer check by employer, if they really wanted to. An employer paying under the table, is of course aware of what he's doing wrong.

    Another point, is that a person using a bad SS number still has withholding/FICA/Medicare and all the rest taken out without a chance of getting a tax refund.

    Look, guys, I'm not trying to defend the illegaility, just trying to get past some of what makes for the argument.

    And, as was said, let's figure out a way to get them on the tax rolls, legally.

    #20     Jul 8, 2009