Job Offer Negotiations

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by TheCaymanIsland, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. don't use 70k, use 69,800 or 70,300. It gives the impression of a well thought out number and carries more weight. But it only works for the first number you throw out. if they say 60, then you say 70,300, they counter with 65, you look like a whacko if you come back with 68,450.

    have a number already figured out so you know when to accept if they hit it. If you try to wring out every last penny, you may find they withdraw their offer.

    I have been on a few where they were extremely high pressure, gotta accept right this minute type negotiations. The best thing is to step away and let them know that you really appreciate what they are offering but you need a few minutes, hours, etc to give it the thought that the offer deserves in order to make a good decision for both parties. Let them know you need to "work the numbers" to make sure you are not accepting a number that may hurt you in the long run.

    If the number is is on your lower end, find out about 90 day reviews, etc. meaning if you bust your ass the first 90 days (which you should always do at any new job to make a name for yourself) they will revisit the salary and possibly give you a bump.

    good luck.
    #11     Mar 4, 2008