Jim Rogers::you let them fail

Discussion in 'Economics' started by new$, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. new$


  2. ehsmama


  3. No doubt that Rogers has become a pundit that sells books....but on this one ....he is 1000000% correct....

    For what justifiable reason does the US Govt. have the right to:

    Transfer the future wealth of America's great grandchildren ahead of time to those in error....?????

    Just because they have the money and the people to dominate the lobbyist system ????

    Yeah the cost is big .....Did the future great grandchildren cause the problem ?????

    Is it not correct for those that caused the problem ...to pay for the problem....that THEY caused....?????

    Instead the US govt. has a spineless lobbied greedy political system that sees nothing wrong with ponying somebody else's mistakes on the innocent.....

    It is past time to clean up the govt. bullshit....


    The solution is very simple....

    Tax revenues will be from a 10% state/5% fed consumption tax....all other taxes rendered illegal.....this will be the only money available for govt. ....that's it....

    Secondly....there needs to be a truly revamped....."out in the open" first come first served.....singular negligilble transfer cost....honest electronic securities exchange....whereby information is wiki based..... not centered in NYC ....The exchanges are just computers that can be anywhere....

    No taxes on securities of any kind in the name of efficient capital....


    Business and innovation.....will take care of itself.....


    Otherwise the system will just be one giant legal largesse cesspool of govt.corp job transfer slime....continually stealing away from what could be an efficient system....
  4. zdreg


    why don't u look at his track record ?
    the same applies to libertad?
  5. lrm21


    that's insightful. So if I need money I can get a job and earn it or I can steal it at the point of gun. Solutions, solutions
  6. achilles28


    Jim is right. Let them fail.

    Any of you free-marketeers actually know what Capitalism IS??

    Creative destruction is the yang to the private-profits, ying.

    Can't have one, without the other.
  7. .....................................

    It does not matter if it is Rogers...Obama....whomever....

    As long as the solution is correct.....


    Simple speak.....

    The old economy was $70 Trillion.....largely due to credit....

    The new economy becomes $40 Trillion and falling.....

    So ALL PRICES have to adjust to the $40 Trillion....

    Instead .....the US Cronied Govt. has elected to pony a high percentage of the 70 vs 40 diff on the backs of yet to be born great grandchildren.....in the name of buffering the losses of the flawed thinkers....THIS IS BULLSHIT ......

    And INEFFICIENT..... AND WRONG !!!!!

    Rogers has got this one right.....
  8. zdreg


    the pt. is jim rogers has a terrific LT record.
  9. .................................................

    In the past ....that is correct....I like Rogers....

    The point being is that results used to be known.....now they are not....

    How can one know....what they do not know ?????


    Who wants to listen to a loser ?

    Who wants to listen to a winner ?

    Why listen to an unknown ????

    Nothing is wrong with entertainment....books...TV...whatever....
  10. S2007S


    He may sound like a broken record, but in reality its a repetitive warning to the idiots that don't believe him.
    #10     Sep 15, 2009