Jim Rogers throws his support behind Ron Paul!!!

Discussion in 'Economics' started by chaosclarity, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. member


    by the way: your very well picked username speaks for you ....so i rest my case...lol
    ( sorry I did not know there were asian clergymen on the mayflower)
    #51     Aug 31, 2011
  2. MKTrader


    Just leave. No need for sub-60 IQ rants, anti-Asian trash talk or any of your other drivel. Find a friend/lover over in ChitChat and get your jollies there.

    #52     Aug 31, 2011
  3. member


    Hmm... I did not know you were the mall cop here ...why don't you just scroll back and notice my convo partners' going personal long before me defending myself.. and then spit yourself in the mirror....thanks ! ...and dont even get me started on the anti -asian thing...open your eyes please
    #53     Aug 31, 2011
  4. member


    Dear fellow elitetrader members: dumb_mother, MKTrader, Grandluxe,rew, plyka and dickmeup.... Let me make a point here. Economics, monetary policy , international trade relations are all dog and pony show. The primary goal is the retain our country's leading economic and military status quo which can only be achieved by
    a president like Donald Trump and his vice president as Dick Cheney.( wont happen..too bad... but might be one day)
    only thing I can say I am here to help the cause
    #54     Aug 31, 2011
  5. MKTrader


    OK, you had your spiel. Great. Back to the meds. Or maybe you can talk Ross Perot and Lyndon Larouche into running on the same ticket. Just find somewhere other than this thread to vent, please.

    P.S. - It's a little ironic you make fun of other member'sscreen names and don't consider your own. Trying to compensate for something?
    #55     Aug 31, 2011
  6. rew


    Perry is as big an advocate of open borders as Obama. He favors giving illegal immigrants tax payer funded benefits. Perry worked for the Al Gore Presidential campaign, and was a big advocate for Hillarycare. He really ought to be running as a Democrat. Of course Perry is as much in favor of the forever wars as the other neocons. Wars are not good for balanced budgets and other living things.
    #56     Sep 2, 2011
  7. SunTrader


    Hysterical :D

    and considering these juxtaposed quotes I doubt it.

    and Funny also considering he couldn't overcome a shrapnel in the butt story. :)
    #57     Sep 2, 2011
  8. piezoe


    Glad I was able to brighten your day.
    #58     Sep 5, 2011
  9. Eight


    We would free up the human intellect to think, invent, thrive and survive. We would get all the sick, lame, bullshit artists and lazies off our backs and let their families take care of them [or not]. We would put Government in charge of the environment and demand that decisions be made by people that understand same. We would limit the safety net to 5% of the GNP and limit access to it, make it means testable all the way... We would get rid of legal terrorism by changing the system to a "loser pays" one... There are lots of things that we would do but first we have to get government off our backs and out of our pocketbooks...
    #59     Sep 5, 2011
  10. When I listen to Ron Paul speak...he just makes sense and it seems that he is the small voice in many of the voters heads, even if they do not admit it.

    Ron Paul is not a media favorite.

    #60     Sep 5, 2011