Jigsaw Releases Trade Simulator - with Accurate Fills/Slippage

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by JigsawTrading, Apr 2, 2018.

  1. We are happy to announce the release of the Jigsaw Trade Simulator. A trading simulator built into the Jigsaw daytrader™ platform with realistic fills on all order types. Supporting all dayradr™ order types, including volume stops, the simulator accurately simulates slippage on stop/market orders and fills on limit orders (based on estimated queue position).

    This is great news for those learning to trade and those wanting to test out a new strategy. No longer do you have to make mental adjustments for the fact your simulator puts you at the front of the queue or doesn’t slip when you exit.

    The simulator posts trading results to both the P&L screens on the Jigsaw platform as well as our web based trade analytics system that allows you to slice and dice your trading history to discover hidden gems in your trade data.

    The simulator is available with version K of Jigsaw daytradr, available for download now, available on the members site.

    For more information, visit Jigsaw Trading
    CALLumbus likes this.
  2. Not sure what the cost would be, but if you could store videos of the DOM for each day's session and create a library. The library itself would become very valuable over time.
  3. tortoise


    Camtasia fits the bill nicely
  4. piezoe


    Thank you. Though I have never used your platform, I might give it a try now, because a simulator that gives realistic fills is a rare beast and very much needed. Thank you so much. I don't know how well your simulator works, but even the fact that you are trying to produce one that gives something close to real fills deserves to be lauded. In contrast I might mention the Think or Swim simulator provided by TD Ameritrade. It fills buy orders on the bid and sell orders on the ask. Exactly the opposite of what most retail traders are going to experience most of the time! I have written them about this more than once to no avail.