Jews may want to consider whether Obama has Nixon's gonads

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ilikefox es, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. See, we can agree on something, facts are facts:

    fact: zionism was established by secular jews

    fact: Goodwin's law was written and exists for a reason - to describe idiots like you.

    fact: the right of return to Israel has nothing to do with religion, jew is not a religion, it's an ethnicity.

    fact: the right of return based on ethnicity is not unique to Israel, it exists in most countries on the planet

    fact: the right of return to Israel applies to jews of all religious beliefs, including jewish atheists.

    fact: the Khazari nonsense has been completely debunked by modern science

    fact: your definition of "zionism" has nothing to do with its real meaning as defined by webster and other reputable organizations (and no, KKK and Hamas are not reputable enough)

    fact: when population quadruples the terms "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" are usually not the right words to describe the phenomena.

    fact: I provided links and sources to prove all my points, all you could provide was a baseless opinion of one really pissed goy. Hahaha, get used to remaining pissed for the rest of your life buddy.
    #11     Jul 3, 2008
  2. Oh and btw, you are wrong (or lying) again, this is not what these sects claim. Here is what they say:

    "we shall never own Israel but must patiently wait for our Messiah to come to us. He will give back this Holy Nation to the suffering Jews who owned it before the exile began."

    See, they have no doubt that Israel belongs to the jews and that they will return there, the only difference is these medieval sects are waiting for god to deliver them to Israel. For the rest of the Jews the UN appeared godlike enough in 1948 when it voted overwhelmingly to partition Palestine. :D
    #12     Jul 3, 2008
  3. Person… I am not Egyptian, I have Jewish blood and love Jews
    #13     Jul 3, 2008
  4. #14     Jul 3, 2008

  5. unfortunately for you, no one else agrees with your "facts".

    All your sources are marginal propaganda sites, hosted and operated by Nazis like you.

    Idiot fucking Nazi. All you pagan deviants are the same.

    Read the Torah instead of pulling opinions out of your ass.

    Maybe God will give you guidance. If He wishes to do so.
    #15     Jul 3, 2008
  6. unfortunately for you, no one else agrees with your "facts".
    If that's how you feel perhaps you should get out more, loud anonymous jew haters on the internet don't really represent the population at large

    All your sources are marginal propaganda sites, hosted and operated by Nazis like you.
    Oh, I suppose you are talking about the Webster dictionary, the wikipedia article on the right of return in various countries, PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, established in 1914) debunking your Khazari myth, these are all marginal, propaganda, nazi sites, aren't they? And of course you know better than who is and who is not a jew, you know better than anti-zionist jews themselves what they think about their return to Israel.

    LOL, you're a funny goy, the more pissed you are the funnier you become.
    #16     Jul 3, 2008
  7. lol, see how I twist your little mind?

    Just adding the word "fuck" in a sentence took you off into gleeful fits of pimply faced teenage masturbation.

    You sit in front of your computer refreshing this page just waiting for a response.

    You are a sheep. You have been programmed to the think and act the way you do. As you grow older, you'll also play a part in conditioning others into your way of sheeple thinking.

    In your unconscious state, I can add or take away from your miserable existence just by refusing or agreeing to participate in your charade. A sad little world you live in.

    In the end, you will remain a sad pathetic Pavlovian teenage mutant. You'll grow up to be a good sheeple like the majority.

    Now go hang yourself. I know you want you. You always think about it. Just do it.
    #17     Jul 3, 2008
  8. LOL, you're amazing, really. A jew-obsessed ignoramus who even chose to show this obsession in his screen name and who spends his every waking moment hating jews and railing against the Zionist conspiracy is now lecturing others about their pathetic miserable lives. Hmm, I suppose you should know.
    #18     Jul 3, 2008
  9. #19     Jul 4, 2008
  10. OK then, that happens all the time. :)

    Neo-Nazi turns ultra-Orthodox after discovering Jewish roots

    Before learning about his Jewish roots, Pinchads Zlotosvsky from Poland was a skinhead with uncompromising contempt for Jews, the 32-year-old ultra-Orthodox Jew told Haaretz last weekend during Shavei Israel's annual conference for hidden Jews in Lodz.

    The transition in Zlotosvsky's life occurred after his mother told him she comes from a Jewish family. Her parents, she said, sent her to a monastery when she was a small child so that she would survive the Holocaust.

    All her relatives were murdered, as far as Pinchas Zlotosvsky knows.
    "I realized I was Jewish according to Judaism. I couldn't look myself in the mirror for a whole week after I found out," he recalls. After he recovered from the shock, he spent the past few years rediscovering his Jewish roots. He has also become very active with the Jewish community.
    #20     Jul 4, 2008