Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by BernardRichards, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. stu


    Not mocking, a parody to illustrate, merely making a contribution.
    Not that Potter is more popular than Jesus, although of course He is. My suggestion is simply - take what I wrote back 2000 years and switch the name from Potter to Christ.
    Take Potter forward 2000 years and it is possible He may well replace the Bible /Christ whatever. Implausible? Well, just as implausible that Christianity/Bible would replace Zoroastrianity/ Avesta.
    That's apparently how it works. People do that. They replace with a more up to date popular fairy tale eventually taking form in one religion over another. Nothing to do with truth , facts or knowledge and so - Potter has same and similar ingrediants required to Christianity and the countless other religions.

    Trivially but obviously, the circumstances may just as well seem as unlikely for Christ of the Bible then, as they do for Potter of the Dark Hallows now. Both are works of fiction, both works of imagination, both full of fantasy and both are ridiculous. Both have what it takes to form religious following.

    That was partly to do with my point , you were close , but not Bernard, who is so busy accusing LeapUp of being deluded about the same delusion he has, missed the point altogether .Bernard has however apparently been able to convince himself he didn't.
    I have a feeling religion enables that.
    They say such ignorance is bliss.

    Unfortunately against any benefit of constructive discourse, the rest of your stuff is as usual just pure hippy speak dude.

    #101     Nov 3, 2008
  2. You want to argue against the Religion of Atheism argue with Stu I am.

    But I don't think you will make any progress.

    These guys have convinced themselves that atheism is not religion.

    All they want to do is bash other religions.
    He calls me deluded because I don't accept his religion of atheism.

    He thinks this thread is anti-religion when I stated explicitly that I am not anti-Christian. I am anti-falsehoods wherever they may come from, and in this thread in particular I am focusing on the falsehoods in the New Testament regarding the EVIL GENOCIDAL CHRISTIAN BELIEF that the Jews killed their man-god, Jesus, who never existed in the first place, and was just a made up figure by the true founder of Christianity, Saul (Paul) of Taursus (see Did a Historical Jesus Exist? http://nobeliefs.com/exist.htm).

    However, I am categorically against the Religion of Atheism, and atheists.

    There is absolutely no good in the Religion of Atheism, and atheists. All atheists are modern day pagans. They are so much in denial about their Religion of Atheism that they don't realize that Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, and other modern day mass murderers were all atheists.

    Good and evil doesn't exist in atheism they say, but they don't realize that nature abhors a vacuum, and good can only be achieved by fighting against evil so by default all that they have left in their Religion of Atheism is evil.

    May you drown in your Religion of Atheism Stu with the other fine people that adhere to it.

    Did I get your point now heathen?

    Errare humanum est perseverare diabolicum!
    #102     Nov 3, 2008
  3. It's hard to defend against the devastating effects of One Finger Zen. I am tempted to work on One Inch Punch. :D
    Instead, I am working on the sound of one hand clapping. What is the sound of one hand clapping? This is a question that questions dualism.
    I am working on the end of dualism. When dualism ends, there are no fingers, inches, or punches. There never were, but for madness.

    What comes after madness? A world of dualism. You see, what produces this world is insane. What comes after the world is sanity. But it does not come while the insane wait for insanity to end. Insanity is self inflicted, so its end must be self initiated. The insane must see that sanity is reality, and reality is always unchanged, regardless of the appearance of hallucinations. The insane must come to rely on reality more than hallucinations for a basis of wellfare.

    Insanity invokes chaos. Those habituated to chaos come to view sanity as insane chaos. Indeed, what I discuss sounds insane when initially considered by the insane. To the insane, insanity is sanity. In this way, reality is reversed and subverted.

    I am bringing to the table of discussion what dispells hallucinations, whenever the insane give some willingness to consider a more truthful perception.

    #103     Nov 3, 2008
  4. Just for the record, historically, it was primarily Pontius Pilate that initiated the demise of my persona, which was growing in popularity. Pilate was looking to establish his authority over the region by crucifying Jews near a city gate during the highest Jewish holiday...the Passover. It was a kind of terrorism to show the Jews who was boss. So he sent out officers to inquire after my whereabouts. A scout saw Judas wandering alone in the streets, and recognized him as a compadre of mine. Judas was drunk, and looking to hire a lady-of-the-night, so to speak. When the officer offered money to know my whereabouts, Judas took it and went his merry way. The officers then located me and took me into custody. There was no hearing at either the high priest's house or at Herod's palace. Officers of the hight priest did not take me into custody, and Judas was not there when I was taken into custody by Roman officers. There was no midnight trial at the high priest's house. That part of the story is made up because the story-tellers hated the Pharisees and Herod. Their hatred is laced throughtout the "gospel" story, and gives rise to the anti-Judaic sentiments found in robotic Christianity. For that matter, they hated Judas, and held misogenistic viewpoints as well. I'm speaking of some of my core compadres at that time, not all. And these compadres garnered for themselves authority through association, not necessarily through truth.

    Pontius Pilate seemed to initiate the events. But Pilate is an effect and not a cause. I merely handled the effects to further my thesis: that the Son of God cannot be destroyed or killed...and...an innocent mind cannot suffer. Re: the cross...It is the lack of suffering that struck the observers most, proving for them the varacity of my thesis. Re: the ressurection...It is the sign that none are guilty because the Son of God cannot be killed or destroyed. It is non-guilt that facilitates the atonement, which is the gathering together of the broken pieces of the Son of God that were scattered to the four winds, so to speak. It is the beginning of the atonement, not the end. It is a promise...a prophecy by way of parable and parody. The end of the atonement is the end of the world which thrives on guilt. Atonement is not for man. Atonement is for the Son of God. That is why man resists it, and seeks to disrupt it by mangling my messages beyond recognition. Pilate's attempt to show who was boss backfired, showing the Son of God as lord of all. Likewise, the world will backfire on itself, and pass away when the Son rises to his glory. All attemps to render the Son of God non-existent will fail.

    #104     Nov 3, 2008
  5. One Finger Zen in its essence is not about external fighting, and it is way way beyond meditating on the koan of the one hand clapping. Anyone can do that to one degree or another.
    #105     Nov 3, 2008
  6. It is not you that the atheists or modern day pagans want to render non-existent.

    You exist beyond a doubt. "Saint" Paul's Jesus exists too in the world of lies.

    Remember your mission. You are here to save the world.
    They want to destroy the message of the Father.

    As their children state in this song regarding their leader (whose spirit is very wide spread in the world even though his body lies with the maggots):

    We are the joyous Hitler Youth,
    We have no need for Christian virtue.
    Our leader is our savior;
    The pope and rabbi shall
    be gone. We shall be pagans once again.
    #106     Nov 3, 2008
  7. Let me put it this way, the alledged existence of this world renders the Kingdom of God non-existent. If the world is real, then *our Father* and his Creation [Christ] is dead. If any part of this world is real, then God is insane. Anyone who values and promotes the "god" who makes this world, or any part of it, is promoting atheism, and the death of truth. Anyone who promotes the idolization of any figure in the world promotes atheism and the death of God.

    This renders pope, rabbi and pagan the same. It is a false dichotomy that pits them as adversaries, good vs evil. Any of these voices will kill if you listen to them. These are the voices of death...effective expressions of the voice of the maker of the world...made in its likeness. It is the maker of this world who wants you dead, and this false dichotomy is just one of many tricks it uses to snare you up. It is the god of this world that wants to render reality non-existent.

    It is essential to understand that this world, the idea of dualism [ie. good and evil together], is imagined as an attack on God. The attack is purely hypothetical, because God cannot be harmed or changed or killed. It is an attack by self-concepts upon Self. It is an internal conflict of mind that presumes God is dead, that it has killed/destroyed God, and reacts accordingly. God is everything real, so the attack is expressed as everything unreal attacking everything unreal. And that describes the world from its very inception.

    Messages that subvert the legitimacy of this world will be resisted by anyone whose desire for the world tricks them into misinterpreting the messages. The messages are then mangled beyond recognition as soon as they land on the ears of anyone who values unreality more than reality. And so, what the world does to reality, the world's inhabitants do to realities messages. Consequently, my messages are garbled and unrecognizable even to those who portend to believe them. In fact, they believe the opposite of what the messages were intended to convey for their freedom. And as for one of the messengers, yours truly, his historicity is now in question because the messages and its messengers have been beaten up so mercilessly by...the god of this world and its mouthpieces and ministers. In this way, the genesis of this world is repeated against any message that would dispell the faulty foundation the world stands upon. Recognize the patterns, and you will see just how determined is this world to render reality non-existent.

    I am not here to save the world. I am leaving the world in order to save the Son of God...his mind from his own hallucinations. Man is a hallucination in the mind of the Son, as well as time and place and form. It is in leaving the world that a trail of light is left for others to follow out of the darkness. The world is not fixable, nor savable. It is an insanity to be saved from. When the entire mind is brought back together, the world will disappear [pass away] as do hallucinations when the drug wears off.

    "Saint" Paul's Jesus is the Jesus that the god-of-this-world wants you to believe in. That belief will kill you if you listen to that voice. That voice kills the authentic message, and by confusing matters royally, renders the messenger virtually non-existent, or as irrelevant as a clown. It is the god-of-this-world which selects such ministers and knocks them off their horses, blinds them, and complains about persecution. It is the god-of-this-world which teaches a mock theology to minds willing to kill the messages true messengers. And by this means, the god-of-this-world in intent upon killing you...over and over and over again...for its own survival. Be not decieved. Each of us represents a threat to the god-of-this-world, which can be terminated the moment we withdraw faith in it...which is to withdraw faith in its handiwork. And that is why it is alert to what threatens it. What makes this world makes the theologies that kill, and kills the truth that brings the dead back to life.

    #107     Nov 4, 2008
  8. I know. You appear to be half gone already.

    I tried to bring you back to terra firma because I thought it would be best for you (Plus I find your writing style amusing.), but what do I know in comparison to I Am aka Jesus.
    #108     Nov 4, 2008