jessie Livermore

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by daytraderpete, Mar 20, 2004.

  1. Neiderhoffer hasn't come back once, let alone four times.

    #31     Mar 22, 2004
  2. ramuk


    According to Ed Seykota Livermore had syphillis
    when he killed himself.

    I do not know where he got that information from.

    I read in one of the books about him that he used to keep
    a notebook with himself and in the last 4-5 days he
    was writting the same thing (what was that thing ??) over
    and over and over again in that notebook of his. I am
    guessing that this notebook is still with the New York city
    police. How wonderful it would be to take a peek !!

    I think that it was not just a depression or a trading loss that
    must have been bothering him, when he decided to cut
    his losses and ended up taking his own life (apparently).

    In the night before the shooting (when his last picture was
    taken) he tells the reporter that we will be gone for ever
    or something to that effect. His wife apparently got a bit
    troubled by that; to which he replied that he was just kidding.

    gaj, any more interesting titbits from the newspaper archives ?

    One of the reasons he is so popular is because his life ended
    in unusual circumstances. Compare his popularity to the
    scores of musicians who killed themselves. They tend
    to be more popular that the living ones.

    I think it just makes a good story and adds to the mystery.
    #32     Mar 22, 2004
  3. saxon


    He wrote

    My life has been a failure.....My life has been a failure.....

    over and over.
    #33     Mar 22, 2004
  4. Uni


    Which is a common theme with clinically depressed people. Livermore committed suicide because he was afflicted with depression and it probably wasn't properly treated (they didn't have the drugs then that we have now). I have witnessed the disease and its manifestations first-hand.

    Livermore's committing suicide was not a heroic act ("cutting losses short") nor was it something to be lauded. It was simply the last act by a severely depressed man.

    #34     Mar 22, 2004
  5. 007Arb


    More than anything Livermore was a master market manipulator - and I don't mean that in a negative way. It took brains and trading savvy to do what he did. But once the SEC was established in the early 30s and banned many of Livermore's ploys, he was never the same as a trader.
    #35     Mar 22, 2004
  6. manz66


    Neiderhoffer is up 50% each last three years. He wrote an article in Active Trader March, 04 issue, and claimed his success. He still sells naked options.
    #36     Mar 22, 2004
  7. Funny here's a big list of "Famous People Who Have Suffered from Depression or Manic-Depression" some people are pretty missing in that list because I typed banker and financier and find none :D
    #37     Mar 22, 2004
  8. Finally by typing industrialist I found this guy :D
    J.P. Morgan, industrialist
    #38     Mar 22, 2004
  9. ==============================
    One of the most interesting things are you see is some of his battle tested plans in many other books also;
    but the Lefevre mining engineer edition was originally published in 1923 , long before others.


    Its a shame he never learned his gun safety principles.

    Another early edge was his interest in technical analysis ''just out of grammar school '' ;
    & noted important business principles like the president or ceo who used the backs of those business envelopes:cool:
    #39     Mar 23, 2004
  10. gaj


    i didn't have any other anecdotes from ny times back issues. i didn't check his stuff before 1930, as i figure that any iimportant things would be (indirectly) in reminscences...

    unfortunately, the access i have to the wsj online only goes back to 1984...
    #40     Mar 23, 2004