Jesse Livermore

Discussion in 'Trading' started by BDGBDG, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. hcour

    hcour Guest

    All classic trading truths. And, interestingly, folks are still selling books today rehashing this very stuff from a century ago. I think that says a lot about both the man and the markets.

    #51     Jan 23, 2006
  2. fletch2


    If "the greatest trader of all time" couldn't keep his profits, then why would anybody bother trading? Certainly we can't expect to do better than the all-time best? Are you guys in this game to make money and then lose it all? If so, why?

    #52     Jan 23, 2006
  3. I recall seeing programs implementing (or trying?) Livermore's method as he describes it in his book. Did anybody hear about results of backtesting on some markets?

    Be good,
    #53     Jan 23, 2006
  4. hcour

    hcour Guest

    You seem to think all great traders reach some kind of plateau of success, where that success becomes some kind of fortress that protects him or her from future failure, be it for personal or professional reasons. Traders are human, like a great artist or athlete is human. Barishnykov was one of the greatest dancers of his generation, so you think he's that talented now? Does that somehow lessen what he did when he was the greatest? When a talented quarterback or any athlete stays too long in his career, till he fails, does this negate what he contributed to the game in his past? What if Warren Buffet burns out late in his career? Does what he brought to investing then mean nothing? Picasso was a joke late in his career, so are you saying he sucked as a painter and contributed nothing to modern art?

    #54     Jan 23, 2006
  5. It seems that some neophytes can only elevate themselves by degrading others. Especially notable others. Has it improved your trading thus far?
    #55     Jan 23, 2006
  6. Pekelo


    First of all, you can almost always improve on anything.

    But second, what most critics of him fail to notice, that he lived rich and extremely well from his teenage years into 63. It didn't matter that he lost his fortunes several times, he knew how to live and had a full life what most traders will never get...

    There is a huge difference between let's say trading up from a 50K account and making it 2 mill and losing it all back (what assets you kept in the process?) and the way Jesse traded and lived... Yachts, houses, private trains, he had it all....

    He might couldn't keep his profits, but he sure kept the assets... :)
    #56     Jan 23, 2006
  7. loza

    loza Guest

    Yeah note that this loser is a lawyer - I should have known without even clicking on his profile.... One asshole in 400,000 US lawschool grads. and I am sitting in minimum security jail 'cause my lawyer was a moron. The US is drowning of these educated deadbeats already now we have just one more....
    I bet he could never pass the Bar exam...
    #57     Jan 23, 2006
  8. dac8555


    you are sitting in jail becuse you were a drug dealer.....according to your other post.

    dont blame your screw ups on others man. take responsability for your will keep you out of jail!
    #58     Jan 23, 2006
  9. Lawyer fucked yah....or you didn't do it?
    #59     Jan 23, 2006
  10. loza

    loza Guest

    none should be in jail for first offense of pot. There is still the 3 strike rule, but sometimes judges want to make an example of you. Like the child molester who got 60 days. A a fucking joke - US legal system.....
    #60     Jan 23, 2006