Japan Abandons America

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildfirepow, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Obama believes in fairy tales.
    #21     Oct 1, 2009
  2. d08


    It's about time the bases would be moved to Guam or wherever, Japan isn't capable of defending itself? You must be joking considering the efficiency of the Japanese. Geopolitically Japan might find itself in isolation though, probable future allies such as Korea, Taiwan and Australia/New Zealand don't hold much global power compared to US and China. China certainly has a grudge against Japan (with good reason) and the Japanese know it, very likely China has sinister plans regarding Japan - future is uncertain at best.
    Fact is, US is Rome whether the majority likes it or not - might be a good thing or might not be, we will see. Obama and other moderates might slow down this process but it just is inevitable unless the US makes fairly radical changes.
    #22     Oct 21, 2009
  3. I feel the same way at time as you do though but that only worked in the old days when there were no Nuclear Weapons.

    While expensive to maintain over seas bases it is cheaper then capping off Manhattan under 10 feet of concrete to eliminate radiation leaks.

    #23     Oct 21, 2009