Jamming the futures lower 11-8

Discussion in 'Trading' started by pumpanddumper, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. 10:52 p.m. EST 11/07/07Futures/Extended Trading(Roll over for charts)
    Last Chg Settle
    DJ Industrials 13282 -73 13355
    S&P 500 1474.60 -8.20 1482.80

    Max pain overnight?
  2. SP (ES) dn 12.50 now ...
  3. capmac


    So instead of GOOG gapping up 5 pts every single morning, we finally have a big gap down...
  4. one of these days ..we are not gonna bounce !!!!
  5. S&P 500 Dec '07
    -12.40 1480.90 1482.80 1466.90 2581 573999 CME 11/08/07 04:10:35
    S&P 500 Mar '08
    1492.40 s
    -42.70 1502.50 1513.90 1488.10 0 32624 CME 11/07/07 21:30:01

    Oh fuck, overnight long squeeze.:eek:

    PPT team can take the night off.
  6. I can honestly see GOOG dumping $80 one day.

  7. 1450 was some supposed support but i dont know what fibbos are below it.....

    gold player am i so i dont know what s&p puke points are
  8. LOL, I said that at $300, $400, $500...

    I've been afraid to play that stock in either direction honestly along with BIDU.
  9. The day it goes down will be the day after I have given up shorting it. Always a day early in my shorting career
  10. Do any of you have any clue what trading means? I think not
    #10     Nov 8, 2007