IWM setup 5/7/11

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by sirmagic, May 7, 2011.

  1. sirmagic


    I have my own way of doing things that works for me. Just like you have a wife that might work for you, but wouldn't work for me. While you think your wife is "all that", some of us in the room would have to disagree. What you do somehow works for you, but for others it just wont work.
    #21     May 8, 2011
  2. Magic8



    And this relates to stock trading, how?
    #22     May 8, 2011
  3. sirmagic


    Just giving you a good example, it seems like you don't understand my thinking and want to give me advice. Its just like when you walk in with your wife. You might think she is the greatest thing in the world, but believe me, you are the only one in the room who has that opinion. Hey, if it works for you, then more power to you, but don't think for one second it will work for others in the room. While you can try to give me advice on finding a wife, after one look at yours, I might pass on that advice you are giving.

    I do things my way and it brings me a happy profit in the end. I have no regrets. Your way or wife simply wouldnt do it for me.
    #23     May 8, 2011
  4. So, again, you don't want to discuss jack squat, you just want to tell everyone what you think, valid criticism be damned.

    So why the whole, "Geez, guys, I just want to post a set-up and talk about it" act? Just say, "Hey, here's my half-assed opinion based on a chart that took all of 2 minutes to make, take it or leave it".
    #24     May 8, 2011
  5. Funny that to try and prove you have a clue that you, a self-professed "short-term trader", would post a decade-long chart with ill-drawn trendlines.

    Yeah, nothing screams out "savvy trader" than posting a chart that's on a timescale thousands of times bigger than the one you claim to trade on.
    #25     May 8, 2011
  6. sirmagic


    Hey, at least Im not a troll who gets their jollies by attacking people in threads. I make money from what I do, but I know that trolls don't get paid;)

    #26     May 8, 2011
  7. yeah, a movement below then the bull market continues.
    #27     May 8, 2011
  8. So pointing out that your actions don't match your words is "trolling"?

    Can you point to one instance in this thread where you actually engaged in a discussion of the set-up, which you allege was your purpose? No, you can't, because you've brushed off everyone's critiques of your work with some vague "I know what I'm doing and I make money doing it" response. Unless you live in some bizzaro world, that's not a "discussion", that's a guy telling everyone his opinion and not listening to why it could be wrong.
    #28     May 8, 2011
  9. Nine_Ender


    I think the "risk off" trade is on which means small caps will go lower short term. So I'm guessing we retest the lows on your chart and then we see whether it breaks or not.

    Even if I'm wrong I don't think the setup warrants trading right now. The risk/reward just isn't there.
    #29     May 8, 2011
  10. sirmagic


    No. Its your argumentative behavior in every thread you have authored on this board...its how you word your statements which are designed to provoke a negative response...and its the multiple aliases that make me believe you are a troll. Fact is, i have a lot more information besides these two charts to post and maybe it would benefit everyone here if you stopped trolling. Im not going to be here all the time to respond so lets make the most of this time. It looks like you are on here all the time though even on mothers day writing long rambling essays and rants about nothing.

    #30     May 8, 2011