I've Turned It Around

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by hedgeking, Jul 15, 2006.

  1. I have to say a couple of things here.

    First, in my opinion you haven't turned shit around.

    What you have done is, you took way too much risk and got lucky.

    Your judgement is poor at best. That is confirmed by your last comment (the trend in going my way). Even though the trend is going your way, the way you have your position set up you are exposed to a lot of systematic risk, the least of which is a sudden impulse move up in the morning. A good professional would have put on some insurance or taken partial profits. As far as I can tell you did neither.

    Good luck, I hope it works out for you.

    #11     Jul 17, 2006
  2. Once a gambler, always a gambler, why do people try and convince him otherwise, I gave it my best shot and he didn't believe me.

    We all know where this story is going to go, we all know where it's going to end, and he just isn't going to listen, I just say let this guy continue to enjoy what little he has left before his life is totally destroyed, because there is no way of convincing him otherwise.

    I say he is looking for attention, why give it to him?

    What you have done is, you took way too much risk and got lucky.

    Bingo was his name-o. Luck is good enough for some people, apparently hedgeking represents the main reason why people have an addiction to gambling fail.

    Personally, I don't understand why anyone doesn't realize he opens a new thread all the damn time and tells us what he is going to do. I especially love the post where he said day-trading was for losers, but yet, he is back at it.

    It's pure satire as ES puts it. It's comedy, horror, and drama at it's best, enjoy the show folks.

    Hedgeking, I really do hope that you do not have a wife and/or kids, because then this goes from comedy, to downright pathetic and horrible.
    #12     Jul 17, 2006
  3. For God's sake, what a pussy. Just let it go....
    #13     Jul 17, 2006
  4. Hedgeking,

    Good luck with the position ... it will be very interesting to see how you do with it.
    #14     Jul 17, 2006
  5. Hedgeking,

    Maybe you should at least scale out some of your positions and place trailing stop loss for the rest, imho.

    All the best.
    #15     Jul 17, 2006
  6. I say use your margin and buy more puts.
    #16     Jul 17, 2006
  7. Can you get your hand on more advance checks and load up on more coin toss directional bets? I am sure your house still has some untapped equity in it you can burn through. An addict always can find ways to raise more cash to get their fix..
    #17     Jul 17, 2006
  8. Cutten


    #18     Jul 17, 2006
  9. esmjb


    make sure your wife isnt secretly hiding any of your cash because if so then she is decreasing your potential profit and deserves to be scolded.
    #19     Jul 17, 2006
  10. I would like everyone to know that, inspired by the original poster I have turned "it" around too.

    I have so totally turned it around that I am reminded of Linda Blair in the movie "The Exorcist".

    I am talking "turned around" here folks.

    I plan on borrowing on my home, liquidating my savings, selling my boat, my dog, my motorcycle, plane and helicopter and forcing my wife to take up streetwalking so I can raise money to bet on this one. After all

    The trend is going my way.....

    Look out Bill Gates, Elvis is IN the building.


    I will be auctioning off one of my kidneys and a testicle to raise additional funds as well. Check Ebay later tonight.
    #20     Jul 17, 2006