I've Never Seen Such Emotion About An Election...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gnome, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. gnome


    Looks like a done deal. But I wouldn't give anyone "a chance" who proposes to lead us further down the Socialistic path...

    It's likely not the "great new anything good"..but more likely the "beginning of the end"... :(
    #11     Oct 31, 2008
  2. Gord


    1st president with a mother and guardians that were Marxist sympathizers

    1st most liberal legislator as president

    1st socialist as president

    1st person with terrorist pals as president

    1st person who won't let the public see his records before he becomes president

    1st foreigner as president

    1st president who has bought the presidency with illegal money

    1st president who takes his family to a church filled with racist, America bashers

    1st president who supports infanticide

    1st president who thinks the constitution is defective

    1st person who has supported and advised a foreign radical Muslim leader who sent his supporters out to murder hundreds of people
    #12     Oct 31, 2008
  3. I still think it's funny that people believe that somewhat bigger government funded by taxes is worse than MUCH bigger government funded by debt.

    I don't care who is "socialist" and who isn't. The Republicans desire a bigger, more expensive government than the Democrats, period. True fiscal conservatism has been dead for a long time now.
    #13     Oct 31, 2008
  4. Pre-Crash
    Hoover 1928: A "continuation of the policies of the Republican party is fundamentally necessary to the future advancement of this progress and to the further building up of this prosperity."

    McCain 2007: {George Bush} "should be judged very, very well as far as the economy is concerned. We're in a long sustained period of economic growth."

    Hoover October 25, 1929: "The fundamental business of the country ... is on a sound and prosperous basis."

    McCain September 15, 2008: "Our economy, still, I think the fundamentals of our economy are strong."
    #14     Oct 31, 2008

  5. I didn't realize he was going to be first in so many things! ... lol
    I guess when Americans were crying out for change..... they meant it! He sure is making history.

    Im for Obama just for one reason and one reason only..... Im a strict believer in the Constitution, and Obama taught Constitutional Law..... after Bush, we kinda need that right now.... someone who knows the Constitution!!
    #15     Oct 31, 2008
  6. Hey watch out Gnome. If you don't agree with far left liberals and that nut iceman than you automatically have mental disorders.

    Iceman il try and remind everyone that anyone who isn't far left needs to see a shrink.
    #16     Oct 31, 2008
  7. Here's what is unnerving about a Obama presidency. His supporters are very cult like in their behavior. We all know that cult members follow the orders of the cult leader without question. I'm suspect that his policies, if challenged, will be met with a hostility we have not seen before. Long term, cults end badly...very badly.
    #17     Oct 31, 2008

  8. Obama scares alot of people. Nobody knows anything about him.

    Here's a link that I found:

    Subject: Revealing the Truth About Barack Hussein Obama

    Evangelist Usama Dakdok spoke at a church were he detailed the Muslim death wish for America and Obama's Muslim background.

    Below is a link to the portion of the evangelist's web site entitled "Revealing the Truth About Barack Hussein Obama."

    #18     Oct 31, 2008
  9. This is starting to look more and more like Germany in the 30's. Along comes a charismatic leader that "unifies" the nation.
    Everyone remembers Hitler at the end of his reign of terror. What people convienantly forget is just how popular the guy was in the early days. Take 6 minutes and watch this clip and tell me you don't see Obama and his throngs.

    This speech could have been made by Obama. Just replace the words Jews with Conservatives.
    You must watch this video. The parallels are uncanny.
    #19     Oct 31, 2008
  10. Funny thing. Up until now, whenever there has been an expository about Obama and it uses his middle name prominently, it has, without exception, been full of shit.
    #20     Oct 31, 2008