I've enjoyed massive gains in this

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by TimMykes, Nov 25, 2020.

  1. TimMykes


    LTCN trading at 75X intrinsic value

    I sold most of it today at a scary profit.

    So I ask you, who is holding this at such an unsustainable price.
    Nobert likes this.
  2. nitrene


    Yeah I bought 30 shares at $35 on 10/13 and the current bid is $408 (the last price is actually $500 crazy). I sold most of the shares between $100 and $250. I still own 10 shares.

    This ticker never seems to have any volume no matter how high it goes which is strange. I don't think I've ever seen a volume print >10K in the 6 weeks I've owned it. Even today it was 8,537 shares and it was up ~47%.

    I also bought ETHE & BCHG on the same day but at least these tickers increase in volume as the price goes up which makes sense. ETHE is up ~100% and BCHG is up ~400% since 10/13.
  3. MarkBrown


    good job, so you need that money because lumber went from 266.00 in 2013 to 826.00 in 2020