I've decided to vote for ABO

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 377OHMS, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. 377OHMS


    Well, before you start giving me a blowjob you better consider that it could be Mitt the Man Romney! LOL! :D

    Or it could be Bachman/Palin. Moosemeat in every freezer!
    #21     Sep 22, 2011
  2. I know you like blow jobs from men but I'm not Lucrum

    Paul 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D Glad you're aboard
    #22     Sep 22, 2011
  3. 377OHMS


    Lucrum tells state troopers to kiss his ass with a cigarette dangling from his mouth and would KICK YOUR ASS! :D :D
    #23     Sep 22, 2011
  4. That's just the mentality that got Obama elected in the first place when it was anybody but a republican. How's that been working out?
    #24     Sep 22, 2011
  5. 377OHMS


    I have very strict standards for the republican that I'll vote for in the General.

    They must have a pulse and be able to produce a birth certificate and release their university transcripts. Very strict, very strict. :D
    #25     Sep 22, 2011
  6. JamesL


    I think you decided to vote vote ABO back in Aug '08.
    #26     Sep 22, 2011
  7. Yannis


    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8EL5Atp_vF0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    #27     Sep 22, 2011
  8. Yes, Perry is gonna come in, proclaim the greatness of America, throw down his cowboy boots and everything is going to be fine...

    You people can take issue with Obama, call him a community organizer, mock his background and even be openly racist. There is a problem with that. Obama's economic policy was done with the advice and consent of people like Lawrence Summers, Elizabeth Warren, Ben Bernanke. Neither one was a community organizer, they were all Harvard suits(Bernanke was also an MIT suit). US economy problems are so deep and widespread nobody can solve them anytime soon. What we are experiencing is what Japan experienced with the lost decade. It does not matter who the president was or was going to be it was not going to be better. It could have been worse, though.

    Texas would not amount to a hill of beans without Oil and natural gas. Yes it has strong agriculture but oil and gas is what gave it its current power. US on a national level is a big time net energy importer and no amount of drilling in ANWAR, or hydro fracking is gonna change that. Take a look at OIL reserves worldwide at CIA worldfactbook and see for yourself.
    #28     Sep 22, 2011
  9. Yannis


    There you go, that's the problem: libs are so willing to throw that insult around, that everyone who disagrees with BO is a racist. That's the big problem, that he was elected, and is being supported, not because he was or is the best but because of misplaced pseudo-intellectual white guilt of some sort. I just want the best president we can get, regardless of race, that's all.
    #29     Sep 22, 2011
  10. everyone who disagrees with BO is a racist.


    Think of it this way. Thoughts and comments like these keep plenty of white people busy and working.

    For example, "I won't vote for Obama".

    Assorted white people "you're racist."

    Articles are written. Newspapers start selling. White people on tv compete for air time on who is less racist, policies are discussed in Congress, professors write grants, earmarks are given,

    I may be on to something here. Cripperrs our economy might shut down if we didn't have the racism.
    #30     Sep 22, 2011