'Ivanka Trump's Baby'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Slartibartfast, Nov 17, 2017.

  1. The final paragraph of the NBC story I can personally vouch for, very noticeably empty the two times I was there.

    Not asking questions about the source of money in Panama is complicity to money laundering without question. Ivanka was also the lead on the tower deal tied to the Iranian Guard's money laundering in Azerbaijan. http://www.newsweek.com/trump-organ...jani-oligarch-tied-irans-revolutionary-564387


    "Lights off and hallways empty
    During a recent visit by NBC News, the Trump Ocean Club appeared to be largely empty, with virtually no one in the restaurants at night. The hallways were consistently empty. The lights were off in many of the units after dark. Ventura said most of his clients never intended to live in the Trump Ocean Club.

    Miguel Antonio Bernal, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Panama and a campaigner against corruption, said many buildings in Panama City were built specifically to be vehicles for money laundering; the Trump Ocean Club fits the mold."
    Tony Stark likes this.
  2. Out for the day, sights to see in a new part of Colombia for me :)
  3. RRY16


    Can you get me a quote on a Key, preferably flake.
  4. About $4k by the time it reaches Medellin but they don't sell flake just paste, you will have to bash it up yourself. ;)

    I have no idea I'm in Armenia (Provence in Colombia) right now and they only have coffee.

    It was ridiculous Clinton did not call Trump on a drugs test when he offered to take one, anyone who knows...

    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
    RRY16 likes this.