It's settled: Hell is real.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Turok, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. jem


    Or I could have read the book itself and realized the point of the book is that The God of Abraham wants you to know that he is the real God. Not one of the other Gods that was around at the time.
    #51     Mar 30, 2007
  2. Killing one's son in the name of the "real" God is ok? How does one tell whether his God is real?
    #52     Mar 30, 2007
  3. ______________________________________________

    Killing the Son of the "real" God is OK?
    #53     Mar 30, 2007
  4. Why is it that the God of the ot was such a blood thirsty monster and yet he is considered by believers to be the very definition of love? couldn't God have been out showing his love by doing kind things?

    Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities. Voltaire

    Man created God in his image : intolerant, sexist, homophobic and violent.Marie

    Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365 not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers were given. Satan - 10. Is Satan less of a monster than God?
    #54     Mar 30, 2007
  5. How are the two connected. God tells man to kill his son. Men kill a man who claims to be Gods son. Is not God supposed to be all knowing and wise? Could he not set an example to live by?Why are Gods emotions always so much like the men who believe in him?

    Man created God in his image : intolerant, sexist, homophobic and violent.Marie
    #55     Mar 30, 2007
  6. In the "beginning", before God allegedly made man in his own image, the Son of God made himself into the image of "man". And in this way, the Son of God sacrificed himself, pinned himself in a body, and crucified it upon the cross of space and time.

    I explain the chaotic thought process that led to this phenomenon so that it can be undone. But while the "logic" of it seems reasonable to the deluded, the killing of God's Son will be a recurrent theme among "man".

    Each death on the earth represents the killing of God's Son...over and over again. This is not the Father's handiwork. This is the Son's invention. It is himself that he crucifies, and himself that he sacrifices daily at the alter of untruth.

    As the Son deludes himself into thinking that his body was made in God's image, he must also conclude, "logically", that the "real" God is attacking him. He concludes that God is attacking him because he thinks he attacked God by separating himself from Him.

    He seeks among his brothers a scapegoat to allay the pangs of guilt attached to attack and separation. He seeks to "buy" some kind of solace. Deluded, he "logically" seeks the innocent, to cast blame upon that one.

    He never logically considers that the idea of guilt and separation are bogus, and that he has made it all up. Innocence represents the end of his delusions. The very idea of it turns the tables on the entire thought system that maintains the body in space and time. Without guilt, there is no world, no more self-image made unlike God, no more "fun and games".

    So the innocent are attacked that the Son of God might continue to crucify himself with time, space and form. Attack is constant and ubiquitous. Blaming is constant. Punishment is meted out to the "guilty". And because he still feels guilty, each one still fears his own punishment as he cherishes the bodies that represent the sacrifice of God's Son.

    Only in a dream do such bizarre scenarios make any sense. There seems to be logic, and to some extent, the train of thought can be fleshed out, looked at, and brought to the light. The light shows that it makes no sense at all. In the light, it disappears, seen for what it is...nothing.

    Those who love the darkness will not appreciate the light.

    #56     Mar 30, 2007
  7. 1. The Son of the real God cannot be killed. He lives forever.

    2. His sacrifice was predestined by God. Those who killed him were simply carrying out God's will. So it is ok.
    #57     Mar 30, 2007
  8. Chaotic processes cannot be undone. Simple thermodynamics.
    #58     Mar 30, 2007
  9. Everything your eyes see is an attempt to bring order out of chaos. So also are the laws legislated by man. When it is seen that "man" is not a legitimate concept, you can understand why his laws don't work.

    "Thermodynamics" is a "law" made by the mind that makes man. It is ultimately a bogus law. I came to show that God's laws apply both in Heaven and in earth, superseding such laws. Such are miracles.

    When I call for miracle workers, I am calling for "law breakers", so-to-speak. By this I mean all the laws that perpetuate the ideas of attack and guilt. The "reality" of the earth perpetuates the idea of attack. It is made for attacking. It is made for joylessness.

    It can and will be undone. Thermodynamics will be undone. All of time/space/form will be undone. It's foundation is guilt. When guilt is seen as bogus, all will be undone.

    From my perspective, it has been undone, for time is a vast illusion. I see the beginning and the end of it. I am in charge of time, because I am in charge of miracles. Miracles collapse time and space, bringing the Son of God closer to the restoration of his sanity...thermodynamics notwithstanding.

    #59     Mar 30, 2007
  10. man


    #60     Mar 30, 2007