It's Official now! Welcome to Communist America, Comrade!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. JOSEF


    Communism in America started a lot earlier than that. Heck, even worse, foreign car companies received free US money from state governments such as Alabama if they set up plants in those states. That's not capitalism, that's a form of communism.

    By the way, I find it amusing that the same people that are so against health care reform and the costs associated with, had no problems spending other people's money on the Iraq war.

    Furthermore, unless you want to privatize our military, our police force and our fire departments you believe in communism as well. Comrade...
    #51     Jun 22, 2009
  2. Well in that case the supreme court should pay for it....people did not elect Bush in 2000.
    #52     Jun 22, 2009
  3. Yeah, but NOW its official. Wasnt official before, but now we all know it.
    #53     Jun 22, 2009
  4. BartS


    Here's a definition of communism, so we can once and for all bury this term since it is not going to happen in the US.And stop using it to talk about socialism.

    "Communism (from Latin: communis = "common") is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general.[1][2][3] In political science, the term "communism" is sometimes used to refer to communist states, a form of government in which the state operates under a one-party system and declares allegiance to Marxism-Leninism or a derivative thereof, even if the party does not actually claim that it has already reached communism."

    And arguing capitalism vs socialism is pretty much beating a dead horse....The end result in both systems is the same: the minority of the population is rich, the majority is broke and a portion is middle class....The only thing that changes is how the governement sells it to the public.

    We could compare the US - France - Russia and Germany: they all function differently but the big picture is the same: the people who we vote for don't give a fuck whether they use a hammer or a screwdriver to drive that nail in your coffin, as long as the bottom line is met....
    #54     Jun 23, 2009
  5. BartS


    "commie fascists"

    Whoever wrote that needs to do some serious reading...the guy hears a pejorative epithet or two and puts them together thinking it sounds cool....I'll care to explain if need be....
    #55     Jun 23, 2009
  6. Yes it's far more believable that a magical genie snapped his fingers and everything suddenly appeared...
    #56     Jun 23, 2009
  7. Personally, I don't generally care about those who get involved in a cult and its activities.

    That "the majority deserve what they voted for", the Obama cult is going to ruin my life and my kids' lives as well.

    F^CK that! :mad:
    #57     Jun 23, 2009
  8. Mnphats


    Time to let it go.
    #58     Jun 23, 2009
  9. I have an accounting degree and have taken more than my fair share of tax courses. Believe me, we do not pay much more in taxes than the average American. The 42% you mentioned above is certainly not representative of what most Canadians pay. Anectdotal evidence is useless.

    Perhpas there is a reason the USA is moving in this direction?
    #59     Jun 23, 2009
  10. clacy


    Yes, it's called CLASS WARFARE.

    It's not so much rich vs poor as it has been througout history, but in the US it's those that don't want to work vs those that do.

    There is abundant opportunity to earn a living in the US for 90% of the people that are mentally and/or physically able to do so. Unfortunately we have a very large population of those that could (menatally/physically) earn a living, but either don't want to work at all, or feel they are too good to work in construction, landscaping, etc.

    The Dems love to play this game to the fullest, in order to win elections that they otherwise likely wouldn't win.

    The Republicans, unfortunately are just about as bad, and have decided that they must try to play this game, although anyone with a brain knows that they can never beat the Dems at this.

    Soon we will be at a point, where there are less people pulling the cart than are riding in it, at which point the system completely breaks apart.

    Currently, a significant amount of people in the US go onto college, and therefore do not start actually earning a living until they are in their early to mid-20's. Most people feel it is their God-given right to retire at 65 (or earlier in the case of most government workers). So considering our life expectancy is in the low to mid-80's, that leaves barely half of ones life, where they are actually working and being productive.

    That is the way this game is moving towards, where those that work will be paired across from those that don't, including retirees, young people and dead beats.

    Historically people in their 60/70/80's voted Republican, but I feel that will change as the live for today-not-tomorrow Boomers enter this age group.
    #60     Jun 23, 2009