It's Confiscation and Pillage time for the United States

Discussion in 'Economics' started by SouthAmerica, May 10, 2011.

  1. d08


    CaptainObvious, US multinationals practice the same strategies everywhere, they just lack home court advantage in many places.
    The pillaging part is very true, AFAIK there aren't even real documents on what has been stolen from Iraq, it will definitely amount to billions of dollars. Business trust is a key component to US success among internationals.
    #11     May 10, 2011
  2. Kass, I had the same thoughts, hahah. He must be very tight with the Saudis to be able to stand outside and pass out his article. The only action it received in inner circles was that somebody picke dup his flyer and tossed it in a garbage can.
    #12     May 10, 2011
  3. #13     May 10, 2011
  4. morganist

    morganist Guest

    Usually it is easier to pillage from their people. Higher taxes is the start. Then pump priming.
    #14     May 10, 2011
  5. BSAM


    South...You need to contact Michael Moore. I think you could make a LOT of money.
    #15     May 10, 2011
  6. .
    Zdreg: “you are writing off the Chinese without offering an iota of proof.”


    May 10, 2011

    SouthAmerica: The Chinese invested a ton of money in US dollars.

    The US dollar and the biggest default in history


    Nutmeg: “You sound very "American". It's very fashionable to bash America.”


    SouthAmerica: I have been doing it since Bush/Cheney brought their act to Washington.

    I thought things would get better after these two clowns left town (Bush/Cheney), but I was wrong regarding my expectation, since Obama became just a 2nd act for a disastrous and very bad administration.

    No wonder the country continues going to hell in a handbasket.


    Crispy: Then why do you live here?


    SouthAmerica: I have been asking myself that question for many years.

    Anyway, I am more than ready to go back to Brazil.


    SouthAmerica: Reply to Dumb mother

    Your analysis is in the right track....and the Chinese are a very patient people.


    SouthAmerica: Reply to Kassz007 and survivortrader

    Part of the answer for your question you can see it at this thread:


    Great Economic Opportunities in Saudi Arabia

    June 15, 2007

    SouthAmerica: On Wednesday, June 13, 2007 I did spend the entire day attending a seminar in New York City regarding the current economic development that is under way in Saudi Arabia.

    I attended the seminar as a guest of the Saudi government, and the seminar was about the 6 industrial cities that the government of Saudi Arabia is in the process of building right now – they are supposed to be state-of-the-art intelligent cities including the latest in all kinds of technologies.


    Again I was also invited to this event by a representative of the government of Saudi Arabia:

    The Sustainable Development Forum 2007 - Ethanol and Biofuels

    April 30, 2007

    SouthAmerica: Today I went to a very interesting conference in New York City:

    The Sustainable Development Forum 2007
    A United Nations Association - Brazil and Forum das Americas Conference
    Hilton, New York - April 30, 2007

    Even though this was an event organized by Brazilian companies – I was invited to that event by The Bahrain Petroleum Company.

    ...In our table we had our host Sheik Salman Bin Khalifa –Chairman of Bahrain Petroleum, his cousin Sheik Al-Kalifa Chairman of Bahrain Airlines, the Ambassador of Bahrain, and a representative of the government of Saudi Arabia.


    SouthAmerica: Some of my articles were also published at ArabNews; one of the major newspapers of Saudi Arabia:

    You can bet the Saudis are paying attention to what I write.

    And I would not be surprised if the US government is not compiling right now a long list of all the names of all the members of the Saudi Royal Family and members of the Saudi Arabia government to be able to freeze their assets in the United States, plus any other asset of the Saudi Government.

    That will be the “Mother of all Pillage and Confiscation of all time.”

    If you think Wall Street has looted the financial assets of people around the world in the last few years – the US government on going looting of assets in the Middle East is going to be even bigger.

    #16     May 10, 2011
  7. Crispy


    So you have accepted a life as a hypocrite. What kind of man are you?
    #17     May 10, 2011
  8. syrre


    That could be a valid question, but of very little interest.

    What is more interesting is - what kind of men are the ones in FED and administration driving US further down the drain?
    #18     May 10, 2011
  9. Larson

    Larson Guest

    Amen. Now those are the ones I would like to see pack their bags and leave the US.
    #19     May 10, 2011
  10. BSAM


    I think most citizens with just a few brain cells working know the answer to this. The problem today is that most Americans don't care anymore.

    This country used to be about the people and their rights and freedoms. Today it's all about government payrolls and positions and the beauty pageants we call "elections".
    #20     May 10, 2011