It's coming, Rome! Italians are the Euro2021 Champions

Discussion in 'Sports' started by cesfx, Jul 15, 2021.

  1. cesfx


    When an underestimated humble multi tournament Champions beat an overestimated, arrogant national team and fanbase that gave the win for granted.

    The Italian brought a lesson on class and humility to Wembley on Sunday.

    English did their usual: sense of entitlement up, superiority, giving the win for granted in the media, booing every other national anthem, cheering when a German girl cried at the stadium on live screen, making racist comments against black players who missed the final penalties, fighting and stabbing, rejecting second place medal, throwing beer in the air. Even the prince and family left early, before celebration ended.
    Some people just can't lose, although they deserved it so badly... Oh what a joy!

    Eat more pasta and wash your mouth before underestimating the Italians at football!

    Bye bye England, see you at your next final in about 55years. Hopefully fans and player have learned some manners by then, hopefully.

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2021
    destriero likes this.

  2. Was more shocked at Belgium and France's early exit, I had one of them pegged to win.

    England and Italy are now being carried by the younger generations so it is nice to see the shift that occurred from Spain and Germany towards France/Belgium and now England. Perhaps Italy is now starting to surge again with its youth despite not having a big name star in the front 4.

    England's manager did all he could to mess up the ending for England making too late substitutions and a shitty kicking order for the penalties. Was a great tournament from the Quarters to the Finals.
    cesfx likes this.
  3. cesfx


    I agree... I am an Italian living in UK since the 90's so it felt a bit personal, even in my comments.

    Southgate would be fired in my book.
    England defended Italian catenaccio style, against the Italians... Duh.
    When they should have attacked for all game, not giving any breath to the Italian possession. And they could have done it well with that squad.
    Also penalty choice of striker was pretty questionable. That was probably Saka first official penalty ever... How can you even think of sending him for the last penalty.

    Also the pressure on England to win by the all media and pundits, was ridiculous. Even the Queen pressure them, like it's a war!

    Completely the opposite in superstitious Italy, media and fans would never act like it's in the bag, because the believe it's bad luck and arrogance.

    On the paper, England, Belgium and France had the best teams and it was surprising to see the last two leaving early.
    Italy players value is about 600mil, whilst England 1.2bn.

    Although I don't think Italy has any real chance at the world cup next year. Young team but there are team who can run faster, play faster and last longer. But you never know...