itemized deductions

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by o_2_b_sean, Apr 12, 2002.

  1. trdrmac



    I am in Raleigh, NC. I usually work until around 2-3 in the morning. Sometimes though I take a nap during the day.

    That is a good deduction. Thee are millions of people Im sure who do similar things. I remember my tax prof saying that when they started requiring SS # for children deduction that a few million kids disappeared that year.
    #31     Jul 3, 2002
  2. Ok, sorry i'm not up as late as you guys. My comments are back a few pages. I have no family. I'm just talking about deductions for myself. If I ask a trader on this board to meet me at the "it's a small world" ride to discuss scalping, and it's just me, then the airfare, hotel, rental car, and admission is all deductable. If I bought cotton candy though, that's only a writeoff if we both shared. If I brought my girlfriend along, her expenses aren't deductable though, but my portion of it are. That's how I understand things still.
    #32     Jul 3, 2002
  3. Sanjuro


    Let me pose a dumb question.

    Suppose, I make 10k in a year.
    I should owe about 3k in taxes.
    Then I have a valid trading business trip which costs 3k.

    Does that cancel out 1 to 1 with the taxes I owed
    and then I don't have to pay anything?

    Also, how do you guys report your computer equipment?
    Do you divide it up to 4 years or report it all at once?
    What book do you guys recommend that have good
    examples for trader taxes regarding reporting expenses?

    #33     Jul 3, 2002
  4. For computer equipment, there is some magic number and under that number you can deduct the whole enchillada. It's enough for you to buy 2 new pc's some 21" lcd monitors and a plasma tv and have some left over for a nice desk each year.
    #34     Jul 3, 2002
  5. trdrmac


    #35     Jul 3, 2002
  6. taxman


    $2,500 for 401(k) admin & prep is dirt cheap especially if that includes preparation of the 5500's.

    If $2500 was too much a 401(k) was the wrong plan. She should have been looking at SEP plans instead.
    #36     Jul 8, 2002
  7. trdrmac


    For a 5 person buisness $2500 is a rip off to for a 401K plan.

    Both her and her partner already have seps set up.
    #37     Jul 8, 2002
  8. CalTrader

    CalTrader Guest

    For a five person business there really doesn't seem to be any reason to pay 2500.00 for a 401 K plan. I suppose in some cases you might want to do this but I cant think of any at the moment - other than to transfer fees to your buddy who is administering the plan or to possibly minimize taxes.

    The wonderful SEP program is simple to administer - you could literally set one up in about an hour for five people. This is one case where the acronymm really works: "Simple" it is - and very low cost.
    #38     Jul 8, 2002
  9. trdrmac



    I could not agree more. Even with hypothetical funding of 100K, that would be a 2.5% vig just to overcome. Plus there was no real supermarket of funds to choose from, which means you can add another 1-2% in 12b-1 and management fees.

    But I suppose the people who sell them will give you 10 reasons why the fees are worth it.
    #39     Jul 8, 2002
  10. Jeffrey


    I have not looked into my electricity bill. (I could have someone put a meter on the line between the power source and my computer)

    Let's say that I take 10% of my utility bills for the business(Home office) My computer is online ten hours per day. For example, is it possible that my computer is costing me 80% of my electricity bill?

    #40     Jul 20, 2002