It looks like the Bush administration didn't prevent further terrorist attacks

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. Turok


    I'll give an example of where I think we (US gov) are REALLY screwing up in this area. If I were in charge of the Saddam interrogation I would be telling the world that he is rolling over like a little baby. This would bring co-conspirators out of the woodwork hoping to make a deal before he does. We had him looking like a weak ass punk when he hid and we captured him and now (when he knows that the US won't torture him like he did his people) he stands up 'big and brave' and we publicize this fact.

    We publicized that the documents he had with him had helped in the hunt and capture of others...I would have not said a word about the documents and would have said that the info came straight from Saddam -- this would have given the lie credibility.

    It's war and the battlefield extends to information and psychology.

    I know there will be quite a few "transparent government" advocates that will take issue with my position and I acknowledge your concerns...and I will often, but not always, agree.

    #11     Mar 30, 2004
  2. Interviewed by Chris Matthews tonight on MSNBC:

    Note: All profits of Clarke's recent bookdeal ( and any movie deal for that matter ) will go towards charitable causes for 911 victims, and those in Iraq and Afghanistan as well.
    #12     Apr 1, 2004