It Feels Like The Start Of A Mini Ice Age

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. jem


    While I do not feel like an expert on the science I do feel like an expert with respect to the myth. So you worded it well.

    However, it was you and a few other guys who first pointed out the ice core data...

    now its everywhere... so no need to thank me. I actually enjoy real science and

    I have a dream that some day the bias of the employer or grant provider will not matter. I have a dream that some day a man's opinion will be called a man's opinion and term science will be reserved for real science. (my mlk day thought)
    #11     Jan 21, 2013
  2. So jem. Is CO2 a greenhouse gas?
    #12     Jan 21, 2013
  3. You do realize that 8 billion tons of CO2 per year has never been released by the burning of fossil fuels in the past? Of course there is no historical record of CO2 leading the rise in temps. There was never that release. No argument there. So you can give that one up.

    There is the recent record which does show it however. Only by including CO2 can we explain the current warming. Understanding it does require some basic deductive reasoning and intelligence though. Something deniers seem to lack. Ie. CO2 is a greenhouse gas and it has gone up some 37% over the last two hundred years.

    Oh, and here's the key point. The extra CO2 is proven by isotope analysis and other ways, to be from the burning of fossil fuels.

    More greenhouse gas = more heat. Pretty simple to understand for almost anyone of even modest brain power.

    Of course this excludes most Republicans.
    #13     Jan 21, 2013
  4. jem


    you are just so annoyingly ignorant.
    try thinking in systems.

    it would be a pretty solid conjecture if we were in a closed system which had no way to eat the CO2 or outgas it. But we live on earth... with CO2 sinks... outgassing and a history of the earth naturally dissipating even higher levels of CO2 when the temperature leads the way down.

    So it is now your conjecture that all this extra man made CO2 is going to cause warming... I agree it seems like a good bet... but that is what it is a bet or conjecture.

    The issue is you and your crooked friends are trying to turn speculation into science.
    #14     Jan 21, 2013
  5. futurecurrnuts is willfully ignorant. He wants that carbon tax. He's probably paid by the Chinese government or some s%^t like that. That's it! The Chinese leaders see that the West has had enough of their commie bullshit and their only hope is to empower the UN with a carbon tax to stop WW3! I finally figured out futurecurrnuts!
    #15     Jan 21, 2013
  6. pspr


    #16     Jan 21, 2013
  7. You are so annoyingly ignorant. Why don't you try thinking?

    Actually, during my studies of environmental science thinking in systems is SOP. OTOH Lawyering is more interested in playing with words, distorting facts and generally trying to win a argument rather than find the truth. You're doing a job with that.

    Ah my crooked friends. Do you mean virtually all the world's climate experts? LOL LOL LOL

    Yes, it's also speculation that gravity will cause things to fall. LOL

    You still don't seem to understand. The latest record temperatures can only be explained by the extra CO2.

    To learn more...

    "Overall, more than 90% of the glacial-interglacial warming occurs after the atmospheric CO2 increase "
    #17     Jan 21, 2013
  8. Willfully ignorant. The perfect phrase to describe the denier morons.
    #18     Jan 21, 2013
  9. Lucrum


    So what if it is? It does not prove your argument.
    As has been pointed out repeatedly.
    #19     Jan 22, 2013
  10. It's amazingly idiotic to argue that 200 years of data has any merit considering the planet is nearly 5 billion years old, has had multiple and dramatic climate shifts over eons of time, most occuring when no humans at all populated the planet, some more recent, but no emissions at all during those past changes, and then fail to even consider that other forces may have a larger impact on the climate in general. Only a blindly partisan fool could be duped into believing this non-sense, or a snake oil salesman like Comrade Al looking for profit.
    The climate is changing. Duh! To date there is zero evidence that man made substances are the determining factor this time around. None at all. Just another piece of the puzzle, and a small piece at that.
    #20     Jan 22, 2013