It Begins. Holder Announces Plan To Ban Semi-Auto Guns

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Feb 26, 2009.

    #51     Feb 27, 2009
  2. Maybe some of the lib 'men' can rely on her to protect them - - -
    #52     Feb 27, 2009
  3. The country that's filled with blacks and browns......

    American whites have a lower homicide rate than much of Europe.....
    #53     Feb 27, 2009
  4. Lucrum


    Sounds like you better stay up there in Canada Dawg.
    You might get your mama's boy, bleeding heart, liberal ass shot down here.

    #54     Feb 27, 2009
  5. fhl


    why do you put marks around the word men? lol:D
    #55     Feb 27, 2009
  6. fhl


    "What do Virginia Tech's 32 murders, Columbine High School's 13 murders, Jonesboro Westside Middle School's five murders, Germany's Gutenberg High School's 16 murders, the murder of 14 legislators in Zug, Switzerland, and the murder of eight city council members in a Paris suburb all have in common? Answer: All the murders were committed in "gun-free zones." So a reasonable question is: Does legislation creating gun-free zones prevent murder and mayhem?

    In 1970, Israel adopted a policy to arm teachers and parents serving as school aids with semi-automatic weapons. Attacks by gunmen at Israeli schools have ceased."---walter williams
    #56     Feb 27, 2009
  7. I don't know the stratified statistics, but even if what you say is true, lax gun laws do not seem to be the answer in the aggregate. If anything, it may point to other issues for which gun crimes are only a symptom. Whatever the case may be, there is nothing to suggest that lax gun laws alleviate whatever underlying problems that need to be addressed. Perhaps Obama may be on to something, eh?
    #57     Feb 27, 2009
  8. Blacks commit gun crimes out of proportion to their numbers. The vast majority (95%) of these crimes are committed against other black people. Most of these violent crimes are associated with the illegal drug trade and much of it is criminal against criminal fighting turf wars.
    Unfortunately, the idiotic lib "Great Society" programs have taken a terrible toll on the black community. The number of girls having babies out of wedlock and Moms having to care for kids without fathers is horrendous. There is generations of people on welfare. Also terrible is the number of kids dropping out of school, and the poor quality of those monopoly public schools. (As an example - half the American population of Detroit is illiterate.) - - - But the libs got to 'feel good' and the politicians had a ready source of votes, so what did it matter what might have been the impact on the actual people?

    Plenty of black people are against further gun restrictions. (Washington D.C. is a recent manifestation of this - look it up. D.C. had extremely restrictive gun laws and among the highest crime rates in the country. Of course, the mentally challenged here will say 'it must not have been restrictive enough - - - if it doesnt work - - - do More of It ! ) People know that its the law abiding citizens that become the victims. The criminals don't follow the law.

    Of course, crime prevention isn't the point . . . disarming the citizenry is the point.
    #58     Feb 27, 2009
  9. And so begins another self-serving conspiracy theory. Does any other First World country entertain such stupid conspiracy theories? What do America's gun-toting bible-thumpers know that the rest of the modern world doesn't?
    #59     Feb 27, 2009
  10. Other than a long winded poison the well have anything reasonable to say that would add to the discussion?

    I see that you just incarnated with this one post as MoreCowshit...

    Very funny. You must be another of those who are taking poison and waiting for someone else to die...

    Or you are on a mission from God to protect the helpless ET members...

    :D :D :D

    #60     Feb 27, 2009