Israelis murder seven Palestinians who were picnicking on beach

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. Drunk driving is not a mistake, it's a crime in itself. Israeli troops retaliating against a foreign attack are not committing a crime and therefore collateral damage is not a crime either. What happened was tragic of course but was not intentional and was not criminal, the blame belongs squarely on those who start hostilities and not on those who are forced to retaliate and unfortunately occasionally miss.
    #41     Jun 10, 2006
  2. They are murdering people via an act of vengeance.

    What is vengeance?

    Getting even....or trying to get even. It is not at all about justice. The system of justice of this type of fued is eye for an eye, and a feeling of righteous indignation.

    Your thinking that the blame goes on the person who "started" it is primitive thinking, which is why this cycle of violence and vengeance doesn't end.

    Look, I hear the exact same thing from the Palestinians when they rationalize their killings.

    No one is ever forced to retaliate.

    I have nothing against you personally, but clearly you are so emotionally involved in this situation that you cannot reason effectively. The emotions have clouded your thinking to believe that a party is forced to retaliate....
    #42     Jun 10, 2006
  3. Historically turning the other cheek has not worked out all that well either, especially for the jews.

    You're certainly entitled to your opinion, you're entitled to respond to threats against you and your family the way you see fit but I don't think jews or Israel will ever again turn the other cheek and I can't blame them. I also don't think retaliation is a crime while unprovoked attacks most certainly are.
    #43     Jun 10, 2006
  4. It is too late! Inflame or; does not inflame me is beside the point!!

    Israel wants to wipe us off and transfer the remaining ones out so it is too late!!

    I was there and I saw.

    Now this maggot ddd will come and say "oh we want peace but them damn terrorists don't and that is why we do what we do" but that is not true!

    There is a plan, a clear cut plan of exerting death, pain and starvation against the population to force them to move out in desperation.

    I often wondered what the fuck is keeping them in that god forsaken place.

    You out of naivety think that it was an accident. It was not! It is a small piece of a will orchestrated plan.

    Now this is the scenario;

    That Hamas breaks the cease fire and attacks inside Israel, which the ddds and his Zionists are hoping for. Such scenario will give ddd and the rest of the crying Jews enough munition to come here and go everywhere to lecture the whole world about how there is no partner for peace and how Israel the meek and week has to protect itself by building the wall INSIDE OUR LAND. The same wall that is dividing our land and starving TO DEATH towns and villages surrounded by it.

    The other scenario is that Hamas will not retaliate. If it didn't then the Israelis will intensify the attacks. If the attacks border on a massacre and the whole world notices then all the Zionists have to do is to claim that there were rocket attacks fired at them and that they, as always, had to defend themselves.

    Hamas, either way, is caught between a rock and a hard place. If they retaliate then they will be accused by Israel, the US administration and Abbas the traitor of being the cause of escalating the violence.

    If they did not retaliate then the palestinian people will accuse them of cowering under pressure.

    In the meanwhile, The Zionists, with the blessing of Bush and his administration, will continue on their campaign of death against us.

    Either way, they are on the winning side and either way, will will pay with the blood of our children.
    #44     Jun 10, 2006
  5. It was amazing to see that the "craters" from incoming artillery shells were conveniently missing from scene footage shown on TV. I wonder why?

    DEBKAfile Exclusive: Hamas suspected of planting a daisy-chain bomb trap on Gaza beach to trap Israeli naval commandos

    June 11, 2006, 10:43 PM (GMT+02:00)

    Israeli leaders have ordered army commanders to put their counter-missile offensive on hold pending the findings of the military probe into the deaths of seven Palestinians, including children, on Gaza’s beach Friday, June 9. Cooperation between US, Israel, Palestinian Authority and Egyptian intelligence has yielded an initial impression that the blast that caused seven Paletinian deaths on a Gaza beach Friday, june 9, was caused by one of a series of bombs Hamas planted last week on the northern Gazan beach. They were put there as daisy chain traps in case Israeli commandos landed by sea to take Qassam missile launchers in northern Gaza by surprise. The theory gaining ground is that the Palestinian picnickers had the bad luck to detonate one of those bombs.

    The day after the mishap, Saturday, dozens of people were sighted combing the scene of the blast and removing the bombs, according to information passed to Israel by Palestinian intelligence, which is engaged in a blood feud with Hamas

    To explain this Palestinian helpfulness, DEBKAfile’s sources reveal how the close Abu Mazen associate Muhammed Dahlan was humiliated when he made the gesture of presenting his condolences for the killing of the new Hamas militia commander Jemal Semadhana last week at the official mourners’ tent. Instead of his courtesies being accepted, he was pitched out of the tent by Hamas and Semdhana’s Popular Resistance Committees’ musclemen. He was thus treated to the ultimate insult for a Muslim. Islamic canons enjoin even enemies to be treated with respect in a mourning period. Dahlan was so enraged that he ordered PA intelligence to assist Israeli in its probe to find out if a Hamas bomb rather than an Israeli artillery shell was the true culprit behind the death of the Palestinian family. As yet it is not yet clear how much information Dahlan will allow the Palestinian service to release on the episode.
    #45     Jun 11, 2006
  6. dis


    This would not be the first time koranimals killed their own ilk and blamed it on others.
    #46     Jun 11, 2006

  7. Oops


    #47     Jun 11, 2006
  8. Sam123

    Sam123 Guest

    "The Power of Muslim Zionism"
    by Daniel Pipes
    New York Sun
    June 6, 2006

    "Might Muslim Zionism be stronger than Jewish Zionism?

    Although the question may sound preposterous, it is not.

    Jewish Zionism evolved out of a steadfast three-millennium-old love of Jerusalem that flourished despite a dispersion that settled Jews far from their holy city. This love of Zion inspired the most extraordinary nationalist movement of the 20th century, one that motivated a far-flung population to relocate to their ancient homeland, revive a dead language, and establish a new polity – and to do so against intense opposition.

    Muslim Zionism, by contrast, has a conditional and erratic history, one based on an instrumental view of the city. Each time Jerusalem has emerged as a focal point of Muslim religious and political interest since the seventh century, it has been in response to specific utilitarian needs. When Jerusalem served Muslim theological or political purposes, the city grew in Muslim esteem and emotions. When those needs lapsed, Muslim interest promptly waned. This cyclical pattern has repeated itself six times over 14 centuries.

    In the first such instance, an account in the Koran tells how God instructed Muhammad in 622 to pray toward Jerusalem and 17 months later redirected him to pray toward Mecca. The Arabic literary sources agree that the Jerusalem interlude constituted a failed effort to win over Jews to the new Islamic religion.

    The same utilitarian pattern holds in modern times. Ottoman neglect of Jerusalem in the 19th century prompted the French novelist Gustav Flaubert to describe it as "Ruins everywhere, and everywhere the odor of graves. … The Holy City of three religions is rotting away from boredom, desertion, and neglect." Palestinian Arabs rediscovered Jerusalem only after the British conquered it in 1917, when they used it to rouse Muslim sentiments against imperial control. After Jordanian forces seized the city in 1948, however, interest again plummeted.

    It revived only in 1967, when the whole city came under Israeli control. Muslim passion for Jerusalem has soared over the past four decades, to the point that Muslim Zionism closely imitates Jewish Zionism. Note two similarities:

    Emotional significance: Ehud Olmert, today the prime minister of Israel, said in 1997 that Jerusalem represents "the purest expression of all that Jews prayed for, dreamed of, cried for, and died for in the 2,000 years since the destruction of the Second Temple." The Palestinian Authority's Yasser Arafat echoed his words in 2000, declaring that Jerusalem "is in the innermost of our feeling, the feeling of our people and the feeling of all Arabs, Muslims, and Christians."

    Eternal capital: Israel's President Ezer Weizman reminded Pope John Paul II en route to his visit to Jerusalem in March 2000 that the city remains Israel's "eternal" capital. A day later, Arafat welcomed the pontiff to "Palestine and its eternal capital, Jerusalem." Jewish and Muslim religious leaders meeting with the pope likewise spoke of Jerusalem as their eternal capital.
    Generalizing, the analyst Khalid Durán observed in 1999 that "there is an attempt to Islamize Zionism … in the sense that the importance of Jerusalem to Jews and their attachment to it is now usurped by Palestinian Muslims." (Interestingly, this follows a larger pattern of Palestinian Arab nationalism imitating Jewish nationalism.)

    This effort is working, to the point that, as secular Israelis increasingly find themselves unmoved by Jerusalem, Muslim Zionism is emotionally and politically more fervid than its Jewish original. Note the example of rival Jerusalem Days.

    Israel's Jerusalem Day commemorates the city's unification under its control in 1967. But, as Israel Harel writes in Ha'aretz, this tribute has declined from a national holiday to just "the holiday of the religious communities." By contrast, the Muslim version of Jerusalem Day – instituted 11 years later, by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979 – attracts crowds of as many as 300,000 people in distant Tehran, serves as a platform for rousing harangues, and is gaining support steadily around the Muslim world.

    A 2001 poll found that 60% of Israelis are willing to divide Jerusalem; just last month, the Olmert government announced its plans to divide the city, to little outcry.

    Therefore, I conclude that the Muslim use of Zion represents a more powerful force today than the Jewish love of Zion.”
    #48     Jun 12, 2006
  9. If it wasn't tragic, I would've laughed! Debkafiles? The debkafile? The hard core Zionist Debka file? the Criminal Debka File? The same Debka file that claimed that 10,000 highly trained Iraqi soldiers have penetrated the Jordanian borders and were heading toward Israel prior to the Iraqi invasion?

    Fuck man, even your defense ministry did not dare to come up with such a lie!

    But then again, we always knew that American Zionists are the biggest criminals out there for they are the ones who litrally fund and advocate the ethnic cleansing and killing of our population.
    #49     Jun 12, 2006
  10. Why am I not surprised! When did this fucken state ever claimed responsibility for a crime they committed!
    #50     Jun 12, 2006