israeli occupation

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aus_SPIder, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. Lucky to be raped?

    Oy vey...

    Lucky to be an occupied country?

    Oy vey...

    #11     Sep 8, 2006
  2. What has leftist to do with this? According to, rape is "any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person". So, anything forced upon or against will should be wrong.

    Or maybe I am misunderstanding you... conservative right wing women love to be raped by good looking men... is that what you meant? :D
    #12     Sep 8, 2006
  3. StreamlineTrade

    StreamlineTrade Guest


    He forgot the 'little green men from Mars' dont forget!
    #13     Sep 8, 2006
  4. Let's say hypothetically of course that Palestinians suddenly get a bright idea that one of those countries should not exist, then they act on that idea and invade that country doing their best to wipe it off the map. They lose but they keep trying, invading that country several more times, refusing to stop attacks and turning down reasonable peace proposals....

    Still wondering why one of those countries would occupy Palestine under the circumstances?
    #14     Sep 8, 2006
  5. the fact is palestine is already occupied, just like in ZZZzzz situation the woman is already being raped. the simple question is who would you rather negotiate with?

    id personally choose israel and i think the woman would most likely choose george clooney to negotiate with.

    personally i think the palestinians would be better off lying in front of the isreali tanks and daring them to run over them rather than throwing rocks at them. peaceful resistance speaks loads more than armed resistance.
    #15     Sep 8, 2006

  6. u shouldn't be there in the first place; if u come into my country and try to steal me land i make sure i kill as many of u as i can; and if u dont go away and i got the means i make sure i completely wipe u off the face of the earth. who invaded whom by the way? i see your blind fanatism keeps u on a permanent state of allucination.
    #16     Sep 8, 2006
  7. So u won't deny the same rights to the Israelis who have exactly the same views, concerns and emotions on this issue and who also feel that their neighbors are trying to steal their land. Is it fair enough? And next time if the Israelis kill as many arabs like u as they can (which is what u say u'd do to them) u and your camel fucking brothers won't run crying to Kofi Annan, the UN and Jaques Chirac like weak little pussies that they are, right?

    Can u promise that the next time Israel kicks your fanatical muslim ass once again you won't whine like a baby, just like you did after every previous well-deserved beating you got?
    #17     Sep 8, 2006
  8. Superior funding and superior weapons, and ever the victim...

    #18     Sep 8, 2006

  9. prob is that u are in utter denyal. extremists got those views not the majority of israelis. u know what's morality? it's a set of law on which the whole world agree upon. so far the world has spoken and said u are a crybabe playin' victim when infact u have been the aggressor from day 1 and the most dangerous entity in the area.
    #19     Sep 8, 2006
  10. LOL, your muslim brother bitstream one post earlier wanted to wipe Israel off the map, the sentiment clearly shared by 1.4 billion muslims worldwide, yet you're accusing the Israelis of feeling victimized/threatened. But in response to your claim - you're wrong, the Israelis are indeed well-funded and well-armed but they are no longer victims. Forget about it. I am sure you'll be disappointed but the victims now are those who attack them.
    #20     Sep 8, 2006