Israeli Jets 'Incinerate' Fleeing Family

Discussion in 'Politics' started by PLATO2, Jul 16, 2006.

  1. Jesus set foot in Israel... and the Jews crucified Him.

    Does that mean Jesus was an "extremist?"

    You don't think Sharon would have slaughtered Christ all over again?

    Need more be said?

    #31     Jul 16, 2006
  2. Now, I'm not all that familiar with the New Testament, but wasn't it the Romans who did that?
    #32     Jul 16, 2006
  3. Now explain to me what exactly Bill Clinton did when he was in office to combat terrorism or the house of saud?

    Not a damn thing so to blame neocons is stupid.

    I pray everday we find or Brazil for that matter finds an alternative fuel and we can tell the arabs to screw.
    #33     Jul 16, 2006

  4. ...and Humpty Dumpty was pushed.

    Does that complete your babbling nonsense for you Coinzy?
    #34     Jul 16, 2006
  5. And your statement is different from RM's how?

    Damn you sure sound like an AAaaaaaaa-raab.
    #35     Jul 16, 2006
  6. I take it that you blew out your account this July?

    Hang around long enough and RatBoy will be able to provide you with a conspiracy theory as to why you don't have a brain.

    Stay tuned.
    #36     Jul 16, 2006
  7. Doesn't require a "conspiracy". I made it clear that the guy was a walking dildo early in the thread.

    I would guess the guy is about 4'9" tall and has a problem with women (Mommy made sure of that). Now he can't get it up without having a picture of his hero Hitler on the mantle. To finish I am guessing he has the hooker he hires yell "Heil Hitler, mine gorgeous Arabian prince".....Of course he would have to wear a blindfold as the sight of a two inch dick probably does little to sustain the fantasy. You know I could be wrong. He might not be able to SEE his own dick. Yep thats probably it, he hires them to find it.....Yep thats the ticket....No wonder he is pissed off most of the time. That would bum me out too.

    Yep the handle "BigHitter" is what got my attention. Most folks who adopt these handles are just the opposite. Hey look, I am sorry that your GOD shortchanged you in that area son. For whateve it is worth, perhaps he will make it up to you in the next life. Maybe you will come back as a camel.

    You have a wonderful life there, BIG HITTER..:D

    #37     Jul 16, 2006
  8. lindq


    The Jewish religious authorities were threatened by Jesus and they turned him over to the Romans. Jewish "leaders" identified him as a revolutionary, because indeed he was. And still is.

    All of his initial followers - his disciples - were eventually hung, beheaded or crucified by the Romans.

    So much for a message of peace in the Middle East!
    #38     Jul 16, 2006
  9. Not at all.

    The chief ruler of the Romans tried to deliver Jesus.

    The Jews wouldn't have it.

    The Jews DEMANDED that Christ be crucified. Since they couldn't legally do it themselves (Romans ruled at that time) - the Jews forced the Romans to do it.

    But the Jews were responsible for His crucifixion, 100%.

    #39     Jul 16, 2006
  10. The Son of God isn't Humpty Dumpty.

    The Bible's "babbling nonsense", too, BB?

    #40     Jul 16, 2006