israeli ground invasion this weekend, signal of bottom for the market?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by rabmanducky, Jul 21, 2006.

Will the markets rally when the israeli starts a ground war

  1. yes

    11 vote(s)
  2. no

    30 vote(s)
  1. bsmeter


    How true. Pakistan is a bigger threat than Iran.

    Pakistan is one bullet in Musharrafs head away from being over run by Alquaeda and the Pakistan version of the Taliban.
    #21     Jul 24, 2006
  2. ivob


    Yeah right. This is the exact way of thinking that is part of the troubles (stating that muslims are stupid). Why do you offend others (especially in something as personal as religion)? Just because you have the freedom to express yourself doesn't mean it is smart. In fact, that is what I call stupid.

    No effort is being made whatsoever to understand the "other side". By default there is distrust and by default "they" are considered less. If other people do not believe what people in general in the western world believe "we" try to impose "our believes". Now that is what I call stupid.

    If some lunatics fly planes into buildings "we" attack and occupy a country and kill thousands of people because "something has to be done" and after all an American life is more valuable than a Muslim life isn't it? Now that is stupid.

    What about a preventive war such as invading Iraq and Lebanon creating generations of suicide terrorists. (children who see their fathers die. Just imagine the impact). Next time there is a muslim attack in the US or elsewhere you might wonder "how come they hate us so much?". Well, that is stupid.

    I remember the Iraq invasion. I was watching CNN among others just to see how the US views would be. At that moment the US was firing at Iraq from Kuwait and the Iraqi's were firing back. I remember the reporter saying: "I hear an explosion nearby from what seems to be a terrorist attack". Now that's stupid; they were just defending their country for God's sake, of course they fire back! If the US invades this is called "liberating" and if a country defends itself it is called "a terrorist attack". Is that stupid or what? BTW my own country (Holland) also participated which I also find stupid.

    I remember in May 2003 Bush standing on aircraft carrier USS Lincoln declaring victory (banner on the background: "mission accomplished") while every normal thinking human being knew that the war was just starting and the majority of casualties was still going to be realised, at both sides. Now that is stupid.

    Anyway, many things are stupid on both sides and I do not pretend I understand all that is happening. However, I am not a muslim and I am not brainwashed by US media so all I am saying is that the world is not black-white and I think my point of view is somewhat more objective than the point of view I am quoting.

    #22     Jul 25, 2006
  3. I agree that there is normally two sides to every story however fact still remains that Iran and perhaps Pakistan (in the wrong hands) are a greater threat to the world than the USA. Fact that these "terrorists" are not afraid to die and in fact want to die. Yes the press do not always paint a true picture but you dont need to be Einstein to figure out what these nutters are going to do the first chance they get.
    #23     Jul 25, 2006
  4. bsmeter


    Individuals brain washed to detonate themselves started with the Tamils in Sri Lanka, not in Palestine. The concept of blowing oneself up fighting a superior enemy is a recent occurance in that part of the world imported from the Afghan war with the Soviets. Much of neo-fundamentalist Islam is derived from the twisted Wahabi interpretation of Islam and finessed and developed to the current stage under the auspices of the CIA. It is very well documented that during the Afghan-Soviet war the CIA created , funded and trained Al-Quaeda. It is an organization which was used to recruit arabs and export these arabs to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. The reason being that the Arab agents without tribal influences were easier to control than the Afghans. My belief is that the American involvement in Iraq is not a democracy building exercise but a well thought out strategy to destabilize the entire oil-rich region, therefore an invasion of Iran is not a matter of if, but when. The process of destabilization further enriches the real world powers, individuals affiliated with Oil and the wealthy international bankers who fund both sides of the conflict.
    #24     Jul 25, 2006
    #25     Jul 25, 2006
  6. toc


    To add to this giving $5B worth of F-16 jets to a terrorist supporting and Osama harboring nation - Pakistan What will F-16s do to fight terrorism?

    All the while US Army soldiers have to pick food stamps and welfare checks to feed their families and send family members to battle zone without right body armour.

    This is no joke, some US army families are actually picking food stamps according the a news report on evening news.
    #26     Jul 25, 2006
  7. bsmeter


    Henry Kissinger explains American government policy:

    "Covert action should not be confused with missionary work." (Kissinger commenting on the U.S. sellout of the Kurds in Iraq in 1975)

    "Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries"

    ~Henry Kissinger

    It gets better

    "What political leaders decide, intelligence services tend to seek to justify".

    "It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true".

    ~Henry Kissinger

    Which brings us to

    "I can think of no faster way to unite the American people behind George W. Bush than a terrorist attack on an American target overseas. And I believe George W. Bush will quickly unite the American people through his foreign policy."

    ~Henry Kissinger

    And of course it gets even better

    Bush names Kissinger to head 9/11 probe

    "The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."

    ~Henry Kissinger

    Hahaha, we're getting there

    " military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”

    ~Henry Kissinger

    ( For some interesting reason the guy was against the Iraq invasion. Maybe because he was being paid millions by the Chinese and the Arabs? )

    To sum up the invasion of Iraq:

    "Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world."

    ~Henry Kissinger

    and of course the bottom line is:

    " Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac " .

    ~Henry Kissinger
    #27     Jul 25, 2006
  8. toc


    Israel could have easily swapped 3 prisoners for 3 soldiers and gone about with normal routine.

    If Hezebulloh is destroyed in say next 2 weeks, then it will take them only 6 more months to come back as more suicidal and venemous enemy. Israeli approach does not make sense. There is little answer to guerilla warfare.

    Condi Rice is calling all the pain and suffering of people to be the 'new birth pangs' of middle east. This is a statement of EVILNESS towards the humanity. What is happening in Iraq for 3 years is not a pang but deep pain. If US is going to spread similar state of affairs on the whole of middle east, then something has to be done to stop the US from implementing this EVILNESS on humanity. They are breeding more terrorists and killing more civilians than killing the terror elements.

    Seeing little 1-2 year old children on tv, wobbling with pain and shock is probably most henious sight. May be I did some bad karma in the past that God is making me watch such images, no matter how much you try to avoid.

    US should close its borders to Islamic folks rather than destroying their lands and creating more monsters down the road. It is horrifically sad events these days.
    #28     Jul 25, 2006
  9. ellokn


    For almost two generations now Palistinians and Arabs have been successfully demonized by the US media.

    Once a people is dehumanized it is easy to murder them.

    Israeli media is even more even-handed than the propaganda machine in the US.

    Tragically most Americans have no understanding of the middle east, the history of the region, the history of the Israeli occupation; and where their taxes are going and for what their kids are dying for.
    #29     Jul 25, 2006

  10. Yes but american companies get to help rebuild, dont you get it. This is Republican capitalism at it finest.
    #30     Jul 25, 2006