Israeli bill seeks to outlaw denial of Jewish state

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TorontoTrader2, May 29, 2009.

  1. If you will divide it per capita, there is no other nation on the face of this earth that killed and destroyed as much a the state of Israel. If you falsely claim that Arabs killed TENSof thousands of Israelis then the fact prove, in numbers, that you killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and similar number in other Arabs.

    Problem is, I could prove, in numbers and dates, that Israel killed hundreds of thousands of Arabs and Palestinians while I challenge you to prove that "Arabs" killed tens of thousands of Israelis.

    You also used the word "Arabs” in an attempt to dilute it the claim. Having me saying that, I still stand by my challenge. Fine! Add Arab attacks to that of Palestinians and let us see if they killed TENS of thousands of Israelis.

    I could've easily done the same thing you did and diluted my claim by adding every crime committed by Jews, such as in the example of the Bolshevik atrocities in the former USSR. I will not do that for I know for a fact that if we narrow it down to the state of Israel; your state is/ was more criminal than the Nazis.

    Take care
    #41     May 31, 2009
  2. Tresor


    a_person. You are a zionist. I oppose zionism. In my opinion zionism led to many racial attrocities. Yet I was able to acknowledge some of your points in other threads and to thank you for them. Your points increased my knowledge.

    Whether Galloway is an anti-semite (which is a form of racism, which I naturally oppose and which led to many racial attrocities) or not will not void his points, if he decides to make them.

    #42     May 31, 2009
  3. Look, I could not care less about your opinion. I've demonstrated repeatedly that your opinion is rarely planted in reality and is usually based on disreputable antisemitic websites and lying dishonest youtube videos. I've also demonstrated your propensity to blindly believe any nonsense spewed by Islamofascists like sameeh or their idiotic ultra-leftist western allies like Galloway.

    You can learn your lesson, open your eyes and realize that they lie to you, manipulate your emotions and brainwash you and that facts are not on their side. Or you can continue living in blissful ignorance spewing nonsense about zionism, racism and other isms that you have not even begun to understand. The choice is entirely up to you. But right now your opinion is hardly worth the bandwidth you use to post it online.
    #43     May 31, 2009
  4. Tresor


    I know from the stories told by my parents that there were leftists in the West (mostly in France) in 60s and 70s who were attracted by the communism idea of ''all people are equal''. These good-natured persons advocated for the Soviet Union despite the obvious ''fruits'' of this ideology.

    At the moment there are good-natured rightists like yourself attracted by the idea of ''establishing a Jewish state''.

    Like it was the case with leftists some decades ago, the rightist now-a-days seem not to see the obviuos ''fruits'' of zionism.

    It is sad that both leftists in the past and rightists today judge their ideologies by slogans, NOT by their real ''fruits''.

    Here are some fruits described in your most frequently quoted source (wikipedia) about zionist terrorism acts:

    Since this source has been often quoted by you I assume ths is not what you called ''disreputable antisemitic websites''.

    Use brain and judge your racist ideology by its fruits, NOT by its claims.

    #44     May 31, 2009
  5. I know from the stories told by my parents that there were leftists in the West (mostly in France) in 60s and 70s who were attracted by the communism idea of ''all people are equal''. These good-natured persons advocated for the Soviet Union despite the obvious ''fruits'' of this ideology.
    Oh so it's in your blood, just like your parents were brain-washed by the communist idea and oblivious to its true methods and objectives, so are you my friend eagerly brainwashed by Islamonazi ideas and completely oblivious to their true methods and objectives.

    At the moment there are good-natured rightists like yourself
    I am not a rightist, once again you demonstrate compete and utter ignorance, the support of Israel worldwide (and especially in the US) is extremely wide and crosses party, racial and economic lines.

    Here are some fruits described in your most frequently quoted source (wikipedia) about zionist terrorism acts:
    The actual article is called Zionist political violence, not zionist terrorism. But hey, what's a small lie between friends, right?

    At any rate, you can take absolutely any movement ever existing in history, find a few negative examples, a few bad apples, extremists, mistakes, wrong headed decisions etc and condemn the whole movement. Better yet, you can take the moral standards of the 21 century and apply them to the first half of the 20th century when rules of engagements, laws and political realities were quite different, when peoples were murdering each other by millions, when the brits had capital punishment (by hanging) and did not hesitate to apply it against the jews... And if you take your high moral standards and apply them to only one side of the conflict, completely ignoring thousands heinous crimes and provocations committed by their enemies - you have a winner.

    You are a sad stupid creature and you'll be as sorely disappointed as your parents were, they were wrong, they were brainwashed, their actions indirectly helped the murder of millions of people in the Soviet Union and elsewhere. You're not any different.

    And even in your lousy article the last example is dated 1948 - that's 61 years ago. Simply pathetic!!!
    #45     May 31, 2009
  6. Tresor


    When people are wrong they normally react in two ways:

    (i) they admit they are wrong / apologise / say nothing - these are normal people, or

    (ii) they insult their opponents - these are frustrated fanatics.

    Guess what kind of a person you are
    #46     May 31, 2009
  7. You're right, that's what people do when they are wrong. So far you've been proven wrong on every one of your posts so I am waiting for an apology.

    BTW did your parents ever apologize? Did they ever apologize to the families of those whom they inadvertently helped to murder? I don't think they did.
    #47     May 31, 2009
  8. Tresor


    My perents always were and still are anti-communists, just as I am. They are peace loving persons.

    I normally do not do it, but I have to reciprocate likewise: Did you sucked your hatred towards other people (especially towards Arabs) from your mother's milk?

    #48     May 31, 2009
  9. Tresor


    #49     May 31, 2009
  10. My perents always were and still are anti-communists, just as I am. They are peace loving persons.
    Everyone is a peace loving person. Nevertheless sometimes someone has do the dirty work of picking up a gun and fighting the evil (including the communist evil and islamonazi evil) while their self-righteous "peace loving" neighbors keep insulting and criticizing them from the comfort and safety of their homes.
    #50     May 31, 2009