Israel: The only way to deal with Iran is to nuke them

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Grandluxe, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. achilles28


    When NATO backed up Georgia and flew in NATO troops, Russia rolled in the nukes. True story.
    #11     Nov 14, 2012
  2. Should Israel nuke Iran they deserve whatever response they get for their criminal action. But they won't nuke Iran. They are not even near to being that stupid.
    #12     Nov 14, 2012
  3. Yes, it's pretty much all we've shown them. On their holy lands, on their politics, on their economies and on the battlefield.
    #13     Nov 14, 2012
  4. The ones who attacked the other side preemptively recently are US and Israel. US latest Iraq war, Israel 1981
    Shouldn’t the other side do the same?

    Some people say: “How about nuking both of them, Iran and Israel. All threats eliminated. Middle east problem solved. We bring our toys back from the region, and be done with all that mess.”
    Sounds crazy, but sometimes reality is stranger than fiction
    #14     Nov 14, 2012
  5. LEAPup


    You nailed it completely!!!! Muslim men see an apology as weak, dog or woman like. Sick I know, but it is what it is. The ONLY thing they understand is force. I was a Marine in Iraq. God knows the US tried it all, and to our learning a on the ground, NOHING works besides a well placed round. Money to them? Lol! That's only a small band aid which lasts a few days...

    Either kill them before they kill us, or leave them to kill themselves. There is no other rational alternative as they're never understand rational...
    #15     Nov 14, 2012
  6. achilles28


    You guys are talking WW3. Whats a few nukes between friends? The moment Israel or America nukes another Country, particularly, a key ally of Russia and China, we've got a 50-50 chance of global nuclear war. Some of you may be too old to give a fuck, but I'd like to have a nice life. A wife and some children. You know, live in peace??? Israel can fight her own wars. It's not worth it risking global annihilation so we can back up Israel nuking some fucking country. They'll get what they deserve. Murderers are murderers. Doesn't matter if they wear a yamakah or turban on their head.
    #16     Nov 14, 2012
  7. achilles28


    Who gives a fuck. Seriously. Bin Laden is dead. Nearly every single person responsible for 911 is dead or in prison. It's over. Let it go.

    90% of the "Al Queda" in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya are farmers and peasants taking up arms against foreign invasion. They're not terrorists. They're regular people who don't want the US military in their country, because it's their fucking country (ie not Americas to barge in and do whatever the fuck it wants). Live and let live, broheim.
    #17     Nov 14, 2012
  8. pspr


    Well, we're not in Libya yet they attacked us anyway. Al Queda is growing faster all the time. They're all over Africa now.
    #18     Nov 14, 2012
  9. 377OHMS


    Obama will give them bunker busters and even help stop Iran's nuclear program but he likely is blackmailing Israel to stop all settlements, give up East Jerusalem and lets the Palestinians establish a state with East Jerusalem as its capitol.

    Oh yes and Israel must return to its 1948 borders.
    #19     Nov 14, 2012
  10. pspr


    That last part definitely isn't going to happen.

    I'm not sure what the current conflict is going to do to an Iran attack. Israel said they are going to do an incursion in Gaza but Egypt says they will get involved if that happens.
    #20     Nov 14, 2012