"Israel & Saudi Arabia Are Much More Dangerous Enemies To The US Than The Iranians Ar

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sameeh55, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. The Fox News people who allowed this to air should be fired and never again allowed to work in journalism.

    Anti-Israeli sentiment on American TV is unacceptable and those found guilty of it should face severe consequences, including prison.

    God bless Israel and USA in our shared war against Muzzie Islamic Terrorism.

    Iran must be next for bombing, after the disclosure that they seeked to commit Islamic Terror on US soil.
    #11     Oct 16, 2011
  2. Really? You think Saudi Arabia is a firm friend.
    #12     Oct 16, 2011
  3. Most terrorists go to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to get Terror Inspired.

    The Saudis allow this to happen.

    They are no friend.

    Most 911 bombers were Saudi terrorist bast ards.

    And they celebrated in Iran too.

    We need to nuke both Iran and Saudi Arabia before another 911 happens. We should also nuke Pakistan, to be on the safe side.
    #13     Oct 16, 2011
  4. rew


    If you believe the government's conspiracy theory, most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. None were Iraqis. None were Iranians. Osama bin Laden himself came from a prominent Saudi family.

    As for Israel, the country that gave us the Lavon affair, the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, the Pollard spy case, and the 9/11 Dancing Israelis is one of those gifts that keeps on giving. Their treatment of the Palestinians is one of the major reasons why American is hated in much of the Islamic world. And some of those Palestinians are Christian, they aren't all Muslims.
    #14     Oct 16, 2011
  5. Not at all. Yet the conspiracy nut provided absolutely no evidence - zero, zilch, zip, nada, not even a word. I am not surprised that sameeh, given his background needs no proof and blindly believes any nonsense that feeds his hatred but you live in a supposedly civilized country, do you also fall for this kind of crap hook, line and sinker?
    #15     Oct 17, 2011
  6. It is your Faux that invited him bitch! Now if I am going to go by what you say, and according to your "kill the messenger" approach, Faux, the head of the Bin Laden unit in the CIA and Congressman Jones are all conpiracy nuts! Even a 2 dollars whore will not be able to stoop as low as you zionists can!

    That is the best a bankrupt zionist like can come up with! If you cannot refute the message, attack the messenger! If the original messenger happened to be one of your zionist's mouth pieces, then attack the one that exposed it.

    Tell me Shoshanah, how did this one slip your zionist net? How dare Faux invite the Ex head of Bin Laden unit for the CIA? How dare the EX head of Bin Laden unit expose your filth?

    Help me out here my imposed khazara cuz!
    #16     Oct 17, 2011
  7. You can rant and rave all you want, my Islamonazi friend, but unless you can tell us where in your video the conspiracy dude provides as little as one word of evidence supporting his absurd claims your diatribes and hysterical outbursts will impress a couple of nazi/conspiracy morons on this board but not a single person with a brain.

    PS News networks often invite controversial (even nutty) guests, they've had conspiracy nuts, kkk, nazis, commies, terrorist sympathizers, criminals before. It does not add a iota of validity to their ludicrous claims, theories, conspiracies though, it just keeps the public entertained.
    #17     Oct 17, 2011
    #18     Oct 18, 2011
  9. I was referring to you, not to him.

    I did and I did not hear a single fact or a shred of evidence supporting his innuendo. And despite my repeated requests in this thread you have so far failed to come up with any kind of proof as well, not just from his video but from any other source. But keep trying.
    #19     Oct 18, 2011
  10. Go fuck yourself! The Lavon affair bombings of US installations in Egypt that were intended to trick the US into bombing that country, the USS Liberty attack that was intended, in part, to trick the US into bombing Egypt, and the radio transmitters in Libya that was intended to trick Ronald Regan into bombing that country are but few examples of the level of filth your ilk willing to stoop down to engage the US into wars that will benefit no one but you.
    #20     Oct 18, 2011