Israel kick the sh-t out of these cowards and do us all a favor! !

Discussion in 'Politics' started by iceman1, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. The 9/11 attacks are used in every speech by Dubya to attract radial americanism to drop WMD on civillians (e.g. the 1.2 million people who live in Beriut). Those who do it just will not give up, they willingly drop WMD on civillian targets and then think nothing of it. It is barbaric, brainwashed, and extremist.

    All these Christo-facists who do not think the 10 Commandments apply to them.

    I would say that both sides are equally brainwashed into doing hate and barbarism. And it has solved nothing, al those who had their homes crushed just now will willingly pick up arms and fight back at the invading army. Gee what a surprise.
    #11     Aug 10, 2006
  2. i was afraid someone with a 90 IQ would post on this thread.
    #12     Aug 10, 2006
  3. thanks. a biker buddy sent it to me :)
    #13     Aug 10, 2006
  4. Seeing as how someone with a 40 IQ started the thread, the fear is justified.
    #14     Aug 10, 2006
  5. So IF Israel takes over Lebanon do we have the coward arab cry-babies now saying they don't get to keep the land again this time? Israel gave back land seeking peace and would do more if they weren't having so many innocents killed by some maniac arab punk terrorist trainee with a bomb strapped to this genitalia each week; but these xenophobic overzealous arab bigots just can't live and let live. There are a million acres of land in numerous Arab countries by which they could have and still can create their so-called palestinian "state". But they can't even get along with their own kind much less the rest of the world. Let's not forget that before Israel turned this little itsy bitsy strip of land in the desert into an f-cking oasis-think-tank of intellect and created Silicon Valley-East these camel jockeys had all the time in the world to organize a palestinian "State". They weren't the ones given the brains however; they were given oil.

    Hmmmm... guess the average genius American forgets that we are living on native american soil right now that we killed and maimed to get. We weren't defending anything back then. Israel never started a fight; they finished them. In so doing they ended up occupying some land beyond the UN charter. This was taken in response to outright aggression on many occasions. Since when does one not have the right to defend themselves and their citizens.

    Oh I see, you win the war and to the victor does NOT go the spoils?! Of course that only applies if you're a minority religion. If it's the Roman Empire then its... OK!
    #15     Aug 10, 2006
  6. they don't!
    #16     Aug 10, 2006
  7. TGregg


    You must have skipped the story, and issued a knee-jerk response. Don't worry, we expect that from libtards. The most powerful person was the Latino. The bully was the weaker force that provoked the stronger response. Because he was weak the bully felt the need to prove his strength.

    But I can see how in your world, the powerful are evil, the wealthy stole their money, and only the ones who have never worked a day in their life are good.
    #17     Aug 10, 2006
  8. maxpi


    Then after all that happens to you you don't just go get a life somewhere, you stand around and cry baby for the rest of your generations, you get yourself thrown into a prison in Cuba and you insult the female guards, you spit and kick and lie and scream and refuse to eat and you try to kill yourself to make the prison look bad... makes sense to me. I really admire that kind of thing.... really, and it has always worked so well for those that used those methods in the past.... really. And terror bombings, boy that really can get you lots of friends and admirers, yessirrrree bob, makes me just want to have you around everywhere I go for sure because I can tell that you are going to make it big and have lots of good connections.
    #18     Aug 11, 2006
  9. maxpi


    the bully is the one that wants to make all the trouble when he sees people that are happy [and kisses the authorities ass, remember my tutorial above]. Israelis have schools, jobs, property, businesses, retirement accounts, cars, roads, a government, you know, all that good stuff that Hezbolla and Palestinians, for instance, don't have and never will... anyhow Israelis don't need trouble. They are smart enough to be ready to deal with it, that does not make them agressors and a few million Israelis surrounded by a half billion people that want them dead hardly makes Israel the "Big Bully".. it is proof that their God is powerful, just the fact that they are alive.
    #19     Aug 11, 2006
  10. maxpi


    Actually, after the Tet Offensive, the US military shook off the Presidential micro management and the UN rules and drove the Viet Cong all the way to Hanoi, killing so many of them that they never regrouped as a fighting force again. That part showed what the US military can do, the rest showed what happens when the politicians run the war and inform the UN of every move. The current admin has it part right, the UN is bullshit to them so that part is right but they overrule the military leadership to the detriment of our troops and the effort and sometimes have bowed to international pressure.
    #20     Aug 11, 2006