Israel is using Force Protection vehicles to roll into Gaza time to buy FRPT

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by Port1385, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. Force Protection gentlemen. If Israel is using force protection vehicles then its now time to buy.
  2. Nice try buddy.
    But wrong again.
    Israel manufactures its own Merkava battle tanks.
  3. Look at the news. There are force protection vehicles mixed in. I saw one Buffalo in there. They dont just roll tanks, but infantry and mine vehicles too.

    Force Protection does not manufacture tanks, but armored vehicles.
  4. I am well aware of what kind of vehicles that Force Protection makes . . . the "Buffalo-like" vehicle that you have seen is most likely a Argus armored vehicle, built by PVI, Inc. in Charleston, SC in collaboration with the MANTAK Group within the Tank Design Bureau of the Israeli Defense Force.

    It has nothing to do with Force Protection.
  5. I just saw 4 force protection vehicles on television.
  6. Haven't thought about this stock for a long time, lol. This stock was the best trade I have ever made...back in early 06 I bought this puppy for $2 when it was on the OTCBB and later sold at $22 for 80K in profit.

    The mentioning of this stock brought back great memories :)

    I will always have mad love for this company, but will not play it again.

    Go V-Shape hull designed armored vehicles:D
  7. Nothing like spreading absolutely false statements in an attempt to get people in a position you're probably already long in...

    ...real nice form.
  8. going back to $2
  9. So you are saying that the current violence on the world will have no effect on new orders for Force Protection vehicles? All I see is lines of armored vehicles everywhere.

  10. You specifically said that Israel had purchased/obtained Force Protection vehicles.

    The only thing I challenged was your statement as a matter of fact (as have others).

    They either did or didn't, ergo you were either correct or incorrect.
    #10     Jan 4, 2009