Israel: Iran sending warships to Mediterranean Sea

Discussion in 'Economics' started by bearice, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Says the ignorant idol worshipper.
    The comments are so ignorant I won't even bother proving them wrong.

    #11     Feb 17, 2011
  2. Excellent idea.
    Write you local congressmen and ask them to stop interfering in Israeli policy so we can take care of business with our "friendly" neighbors.

    #12     Feb 17, 2011
  3. If all the world nuclear weapons explode at the same time, the world will not be destroyed.

    Please remember that 70% of Earth is water (sea, oceans) where nukes are useless to great extent. Then there are terrifying, endless and strong mountains which can stop nuclear explosion.

    If there is a nuclear explosion is a open desert or endless plains/flat grounds, the heat can be diverted by strong winds. Heavy rains can also minimmize nuclear explosion bad effects. 1000 feet and more sand dunes in desert can also stop nuclear explosions. Just my thought.

    Big cities are at high risk from nuclear explosion. Abandon/leave big cities. But buildings can also stop nuclear explosion (not sure)

    I think world people fear nuclear weapons for no reason at all.

    Nothing and nobody in this world can destroy this world. Only God can destroy this world if God wants to. At present God does not want to destroy this world. God just needs some cleaning or ash for the better growth of the forest/wild/world.

    Rest in peace.
    #13     Feb 17, 2011
  4. I smell war. Nice!
    #14     Feb 17, 2011
  5. Israel does not need to destroy the world, only the jew hating parasites and inbred stormfront losers.
    So all can rest assured, when the volcanic ash comes, it will find bearice first as he is in both categories.
    Piece of shit.

    #15     Feb 17, 2011

  6. LOL
    #16     Feb 17, 2011
  7. You accused me of some kind of "Idol Worship"

    You must be Insane

    You wanting Israel to attack first (as it already did with Virus) and you want a World War 3 where nukes are used.

    You are insane.
    You are more insane than Bush

    Jewish paper Haaretz talks about Killing all non Jews.
    Rabbis in Israel are calling for extermination of all non jews
    This is insane people
    Israel is extremely dangerous.
    #17     Feb 17, 2011
  8. You are without doubt a grade one idiot.

    An all out nuclear war would indeed not extinguish all life on earth. But it would cause devastation on a scale that would make the world wars look like a border skirmish.

    Nothing to be concerned about then eh?
    #18     Feb 17, 2011
  9. Idol worship as in your username, you dumb fuck.
    But after reading your other posts, in the literal meaning as well.
    If a dangerous somebody starts putting bullets in a gun and says he is going to unload it on the "pagan Sunday" family once he has finished, and he has a history of violence, and you can take care of him before he can harm others, what would you do? Oh, wait, don't answer. If you admit I'm right, that would prove what a stupid piece of shit you are. and if you say you wouldn't do anything, well then you are a liar.
    So who is insane? The person who wants to defend himself or the asshole who says not to do anything. We all know the answer so shut your pie hole.
    The whole world saw what the Iranian government did to it's own citizens during the election protests. What do you think they would do to outsiders given the opportunity.
    Why does almost every Arab country want Israel to attack? They are more concerned about a nuclear of Iran then Israel or the U.S.
    Do us all a favor? Move to Iran so we can take care of you when we take care of them.

    #19     Feb 17, 2011
  10. I think the 33 kilometers wide and 10 kilometers high meteorite/space rock/mountain that crashed into Earth many million years ago explode with the power of 10,000 times that of all the nuclear weapons available today.

    But today Earth is full/flourishing with life/living creatures. If dinosaurs would have been alive today then human beings would have dead/extinct. Dinosaurs were killed so that human beings would survive and grow.

    As I have written "ash provides for the better growth of the forest/world.

    Grade one idiot is Barack Obama. Bearice is highly intelligent.
    #20     Feb 17, 2011