Israel backed by army of cyber-soldiers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by lemeeeplay, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. DmanX

    DmanX Guest

    Ok, Ok, but what about the American Indians? Isn't that the bigger crime that goes seriously unaddressed?

    #11     Dec 30, 2008
  2. Of course, I also still eat babies!

    But you're missing one little detail; those same people would turn on a dime if the situation turned and Israelis became the victims of a brutal occupation. It's not about supporting Muslims, most of us don't care the slightest bit about who's got the strongest religious right in the region. It's all about the oppression, the killing, the theft of land. Equating us with Islamists who demand Jerusalem to be returned to Muslims is pretty much useless, we don't give a damn about that one way or the other.

    Yes, I do have a better idea. Instead of continually wrecking Palestinian homes [1] making complete families homeless, building a wall that eats up huge chunks of Palestinian land [2] and separates families (as opposed to building it the Israeli boarder), terrorizing children and old ladies in checkpoints [3] and overall killing people at a ratio ten times as high as that of terrorism by all Palestinian organizations and fractions combined [4] [5], the Israeli government should try to achieve peace by being fair.


    B'Tselem is not some jew-hating anti-semitic islamofascist source, it's an Israeli human rights organization which is well respected even in the Israeli Knesset.

    This map pretty much sums up what the Palestinians lost and what they're fighting for: map.jpg

    I'm not saying Israel should drop their arms and accept terrorism, I'm simply saying they should be reasonable and fair. They should find solutions that actually work, they should not do everything in their power to escalate the conflict as they always seem to be doing. What's the point of placing out settlers who terrorize Palestinians and steal their land? What's the point of building a security wall on other peoples land? Why not put it on the actual border? How does the Israeli government figure they will end terrorism by demolishing homes of innocent people as part of collective punishment?

    Just hours ago a family of 11 civilians was annihilated in Gaza. Only a nine months old child survived the attack, though she lost an arm:

    Yesterday a family of seven was destroyed, except the father:

    Can you explain to me, a_person, how these actions is supposed to stop terrorism against Israel? How is the father of those three children supposed to move on? He probably feels like ending his life already, what's to stop him from strapping on a bomb and go out hurting those who took his children in the process?

    Israel needs to stop hurting innocent people, and start working for a viable, reasonable solution to the conflict. No, they haven't been doing this, as we've already discussed, all previous Israeli peace proposals are insanely unreasonable. If they actually make an effort, terrorism will disappear by it self because the Palestinians will no longer feel like these extremist bastards are the only ones actually protecting them and fighting for their rights.
    #12     Jan 5, 2009
  3. Because Hamas has fired over 3,000 rockets into Israel in the last couple years.

    But hey screw Israel for defending themselves.
    #13     Jan 5, 2009
  4. What occupation, what settlers? Gaza has not been occupied since June 2005 - that's 3.5 years. And the three things they've done since the troops withdrew and settlers left - they destroyed the state of the art agricultural infrastructure Israel left for them, elected Hamas and fired rockets into Israel. To more specific - 10,500 rockets and counting.

    But your statement pretty much explains your delusional state of mind, you live in a bubble in which Israel occupies Gaza, the Gazans want a two state solution and Hamas are freedom fighters.
    #14     Jan 5, 2009
  5. TGregg


    <p><a href="">
    <img border="0" alt="Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11" src=""> </a></p>

    Around the world, Jews are not a problem. Around the world radical muslims are.
    #15     Jan 5, 2009
  6. Why say the number of rockets, why not say the number of rocketatoms which makes it all sound far worse? Hamas has sendt hundreds of thousads of billions of rocketatoms towards Israel!

    Meanwhile, these rockets killed 8 people or something. Over 3 and a half years. More people get killed in traffic in a freaking week. Sure, Israel needs to stop it, 8 kills is 8 kills more than what's acceptable, but why go about it in such a way that thousands of new terrorists are born? That's like trying to stop traffic accidents by destroying roads randomly. The result is MORE kills.

    Gaza has been under siege the past years. Whether we call it occupation with partial self determination or just occupation doesn't make any difference; what matters is that these 1,5 million people has been isolated by Israel from the rest of the world, unable to build a viable society:

    Do you have the kill count by US forces, TGregg? Do you think it matters for a dead guy whether he was killed by a Bush-ordered American bomb or a random angry Islamic fundamentalist?

    In the big picture, over several decades 12537 deaths is less than Americans kill Americans in the span of a couple of years.

    Killing is always bad, but this obsession with meaningless terrorism is destroying the US. You guys are completely ignorant to the true threats facing you. And it's really sad, because some of us have been anticipating that this ignorance will be the fall of the US, and today we're pretty much seeing our speculations coming true.

    You need to wake up, or your nation will fall.
    #16     Jan 5, 2009
  7. Every human life is sacred whether jewish, arab, muslim or christian. Since you seem to want to distort the picture, let us analyse things using a common barometer: the danger of roads!

    I read on site of newspapers, that the total of causualties from those rockets is less than what roads in Israel injure or kill in one weekend! One weekend-day on Israel's roads is more dangerous than what those rockets cause to Israel. But of course, one should be against it.

    However, Israel army killed 500 babies, women and civilian in just one week, and tally of injuries too long to put in here as virtually any singel Gazan has been injured. Counting deaths only, the number above is more than 1000 times what roads kill in Gaza (and Gaza roads are more dangerous than Israel roads).

    Using the roads risk-barometer, you can see the hudgely tilted balance.

    The attacks on civilians on both sides are unjustified, and Israel's actions in Gaza are clearly a heart sickening crime against humanity.
    #17     Jan 5, 2009
  8. Oh really, so Gaza was not under occupation after all and you acted like a complete ignorant idiot when in your previous post you accused Israel of occupying Gaza and having settlers there. Well, apology not accepted.

    BTW, siege and blockade are not the same things either as siege implies the intent to capture and occupy the area which Israel did not have. So once again you are talking out of your ass and spewing complete nonsense.

    On the other hand somehow I think you do know why Gaza was blockaded, something tells me you do know it was not blockaded originally when troops and settlers left and that the blockade was only implemented after Hamas (internationally recognized terrorist organization) was elected and thousands rockets were fired at Israeli civilians.
    #18     Jan 5, 2009
  9. (I modified your post to make it correct), I would add that around the world, people like you are a huge problem, because you are preaching hate and discrimination. You are a racist, and you are trying to justify the killing of innocent people (including babies, children, women, elderly and unarmed civilians). There is no justification for the killing. Even wars have their rules so that humans can resemble humans during their mad acts.
    #19     Jan 5, 2009
  10. He most certainly does not. Just like he blames the death of German children during WWII on the Nazis, he blames the death of palestinian children on Hamas.
    #20     Jan 5, 2009