
Discussion in 'Politics' started by bobcathy1, Feb 15, 2003.

  1. fairplay

    fairplay Guest

    I disagree: isolationism is working extremely well: look at Messrs Bush, Powell, Rumsfeld etc

    Could it be that that is a sort of isolation which they like as much as the inmates of "sing-sing"?
    #11     Feb 16, 2003
  2. msfe


  3. Not only is isolationism unrealistic, but were we to do so the liberal lefties, retired Swiss Vatican Guards, and Indonesian MBAers would proclaim us selfish, uncaring, unwilling to parcel out aid money, and content to let the world engulf itself while we stand by with all our military power and do nothing.

    Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
    #13     Feb 21, 2003
  4. #14     Feb 21, 2003
  5. Trajan


    Isolationism? Does any sane person think the world would be better with the U.S. not having 13 aircraft carriers roaming the seven seas. The French are excluded from being sane along with the North Koreans.
    #15     Feb 21, 2003
  6. gordo


    Bob and Cathy:

    I'm with you all on this. Way too many anti - American ingrates entering the country. I say take care of our own and let the rest of the world swim. International trade and foriegn relations are fine, however, this "one world with no borders" is unerving. Many of the "have nots" only want our aid because they are jealous of what our nation has. Look at how our efforts to be "politically correct" have paid off by letting so many foreigners in and not monitoring them because that would be "harassment." A side effect - 9/11- so much for diversity now! I am not encouraging a xenophobic mentality, simply a much more selective immigration process. Our open boarders and giving away the farm are a joke. Immigration reform now!!

    We let people in to educate and feed them, then they turn and use it against us. In a time when even our "friends and allies" care little for us, perhaps we should refocus our efforts on cleaning up our own neighborhood and let the rest of the globe fend for themselves. I could go on but won't.



    P.S. in response to the post that mentioned "retired Swiss Vatican Guards." Being very familiar with Catholism, I can honestly say through sources that have interacted with the Papal Council, that the Church has more blasted money than they let on. They are one of the largest real estate owners in the world. And their teachings are becomming nothing more than twisted liberal intepretations of scripture - hypocritical. They are nearly foxes in the hen house. After Pope John Paul passes, it would not surprise me if you see another corrupt Vatican similar to the earlier version that lead to the Great Reformation. Pardon my 0.002.
    #16     Feb 24, 2003
  7. sunnie


    And so??? If you are saying this in jest, then I agree with you...

    I'm with bobcathy1 in that we need to take care of our own borders, our own people first, before we try to resolve some problem that has been going on since before Moses....

    how did we drug into this mess? never mind, sorry I asked...
    #17     Feb 24, 2003
  8. Not joking at all. Becoming totally isolationist would only harm us in the long run because, like it or not, we are the only country capable of maintaining a semblance of order in the world. Imagine all the loonies who would have free reign to invade their neighbors if the prospect of the US coming down on them didn't exist. Think Serbia. Think Iraq. Think N. Korea. Think China. And that's just for starters.

    Furthermore, our economy, and that of the rest of the industrialized world, is tied to global affairs. So unless you are in favor of us reverting to a wholly agricultural way of living we'll continue to be involved globally and play the world's policeman.

    Mind you, I am not arguing that we do not have severe domestic problems that are in need of solving. The reality is simply what it is.

    But, if you're Amish, isolationism must be a wonderful idea indeed.
    #18     Feb 25, 2003
  9. sunnie


    I was getting so carried away there I forgot the "get"..

    how did we get drug into this mess?
    :) :)


    Yes, I see your moderate view. I'm for getting more to the middle of the road in that I would like to see the reins pulled in a bit. For example, I don't understand why we keep giving untold amounts to the IMF to have those funds line the pockets of corrupt foreign officials.

    I see we are from the same state. The talk is the war will adversely affect tourism and further erode the economy of my island (BI). Not that I am directly affected. I also wonder if the sovereignty proponents will use this to further their cause, or will they rally behind the US?
    #19     Feb 25, 2003

    look that up, its written on the dollar bill under the pyramid. Its the reason we aren't isolationists anymore and havent been since WWI. We are the military enforcers of the new world order.
    #20     Feb 25, 2003