Islam is so tolerant

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Mav88, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. I can utter any words, but the truth is that it is the actions of men that matter, not what they believe or what words they read in books.

    The mind is the doer, not the words in a book.

    You are too much of a zealot to understand that your hatred and bigotry are as irrational as the ones you try to demonize for their hatred and irrationality.

    #41     Apr 19, 2011
  2. Yeah right, the germans just lost their minds simultaneously, what they did had nothing to do with the teachings they believed in (Nazism), the book they read (Mein Kampf) and the leader they followed (Hitler).

    And it's the same with the islamists, they all lost their minds, their actions have nothing to do with the teachings they believe in (Islam), the book they read (the Koran) and the leader they follow (Prophet Mohammed).
    #42     Apr 19, 2011
  3. If Hitler came along today in Germany, would the German people listen to him?

    1930 Germany followed Hitler, not his book.

    Books only have power when people invest their minds into what they read.

    Mind is the doer, not the book.

    The actions of Muslims who are violent, intolerant, repressive are not the way they are because of the Koran.

    Nor were the repressive regimes who were influenced by Papal Rome caused by the Bible...

    The teachings don't cause a belief, the believer is the doer. The mind is the believer, not the body.

    #43     Apr 19, 2011
  4. You of all people just made a point to prove that Islam is fine but its followers are fundamentalist idiots who completely misinterpret its teachings. I have no interest in reading the Koran but can you actually blame me for being extremely concerned with the people who did, given their track record and your warnings :)
    #44     Apr 19, 2011
  5. Islam is fine. So is Christianity. So is atheism. So is any religion or non religion.

    Extremist thinking is the cause of extremist actions, and extremist thinking is not caused by books or ideas.

    Your brand of intolerance just fans the flames.

    #45     Apr 19, 2011
  6. LOL, this is so absurd that I don't even know where to start. Hitler, his book (Mein Kampf) and his ideology (Nazism) were inseparable. People write books and create political theories/ideologies to attract followers. Claiming that books and ideologies are irrelevant and charisma is the only thing that matters is beyond stupid and pathetic. Charisma will get you the whole 50 Branch Davidian idiots, Nazism/Mein Kempf will get you the entire Germany, Islam/Koran will get you a quarter of human race. Get real.
    #46     Apr 19, 2011
  7. Hitler's book can be found in a public library, so since Hitler is dead, and Nazism is not a strong movement at this time, they are indeed separable.

    It was a combination of Hitler's personal charisma, a the nation of Germany looking for a scapegoat for their failure in WWI and economic troubles.

    Libraries are filled with books in America.

    It takes a leader, and followers to have a movement, and it takes a leader preaching hatred and violence and an audience of non critical thinkers for a violent and hate filled movement.

    Hate filled ideas are not new, they are in every generation.

    #47     Apr 19, 2011
  8. Islam is fine. So is Christianity. So is atheism. So is any religion or non religion.
    I got it. So is Nazism, so is Communism, they are all fine, right?

    Your brand of intolerance just fans the flames.
    Your brand of political correctness and moral equivalence kills.
    #48     Apr 19, 2011
  9. Nazism is fine, so is communism.

    You don't seem to understand the difference between ideas, and the people who practice those ideas.

    Hate has no power until it is put into practice.

    You are the type of person who hates, and would ban ideas accordingly.

    Your hatred is the problem, not your ideas. Your ideas are meaningless, as are all ideas.

    Only action matters, only action is lawful or unlawful. At least in this world, that's how it works...because we can't ever truly know intent behind the action. We can only measure the actions.

    In God's world, actions aren't important...intent and motive is everything in God's world.

    A truly righteous man can kill millions, and commits no sin, because his mind is fully in God and his actions are just the will of God.

    A sinful man commits sin by his thinking, even if he acts like a saint.

    Your mind is filled with hate, which clouds your judgment, and generates hateful ideas.

    You might never engage in a act of violence, which is a good thing, if your intent is will reap the rewards of that in the end.

    #49     Apr 19, 2011
  10. Nonsense, nazism has been defeated and debunked and yet it's still alive and kicking. communism is even worse, the authors of the ideology and books (the manifesto, der Kapital etc) are long dead but millions of people still follow their ideas causing innumerable amount of damages. Sorry but your silly theory falls apart right here, Marx, Engels and Lenin are dead but people still follow their books and teachings. Mohammed is dead too but people still follow the Koran.
    #50     Apr 19, 2011