Is unemployment of 9.7% a correct number?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Financial Saint, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. pupu


    Historically major wars were a huge financial catalyst including here in the US.

    Maybe Obama will grow some balls and actually do something about Iran instead of whining about it.

    Also, where's all the free Iraqi oil we're supposed to get after all the sacrifices there?

    If US controls Iraq and Iran and manages things right we can have cheap oil for
    centuries and it will be good for the Iranian and the Iraqi people as well.

    I say if the US has to go down at least let's go down in a bang!
    #21     Mar 5, 2010
  2. We can thank our financial flunkies, Greenspan,Rubin,Summers,Geithner,Bernanke,Frank for the wonderfull job they have done in trashing our economy.
    #22     Mar 5, 2010
  3. Obama wants to "transform" America into a Communist-like state. The evidence is PROLIFIC!

    What is done to "save the financial system temporarily" has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS ULTIMATE AGENDA.

    Maybe... if we'd have had an economic collapse in late 2008, Obama would have been rendered as a TOTALLY FECKLESS IDEOLOGUE ASSHOLE.... couldn't risk that..... not if you have an "agenda"..

    Jeez... can't anybody see beyond what's shoved in front of their faces??? (No response expected... it's a rhetorical question.. I [sadly] already know the answer.)
    #23     Mar 5, 2010
  4. wmb


    Oh jeez I forgot about those pricks today!The fact that most americans think nothing of these thieves is beyond comprehension. If i had a law degree i would spend all my time (in between tracking this market) tracking the laws that these thieves must have broken in their complete ineptitude. Larry summers walks around like he has nothing to apologize for at least the other goons are a little apologetic.
    #24     Mar 5, 2010
  5. It's the US government's job to artificially induce booms and busts, which also includes "cooking economic and employment data".
    #25     Mar 5, 2010
  6. The government is trapped into justifying all of the BS they do. It was NEVER a requirement that the government run huge [ANY] deficits... It COULD have always been, "we're limited by the funds we have"... working within a balanced budget.... all beyond that is "BS, immoral justification and personal greed [and whatever that will buy] in "borrowing and spending somebody else's money".

    And all the Democraps can see is, "I'm going to get me something for free at somebody else's expense... no problem, I'm OK with that."
    #26     Mar 5, 2010
  7. Okay, what evidence besides health care? As far as I can see, he's actually center-right on the political scale. He's almost a clone of Bush except for health-care.
    #27     Mar 5, 2010
  8. jalee25


    obvious --> NO
    #28     Mar 5, 2010
  9. gucci


    After you are all done with all the ramblings, just let us see what the market decides.
    #29     Mar 5, 2010
  10. Stop fighting the tape.
    #30     Mar 5, 2010