Is Timmay the new Waxie?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by CasperCRF, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. Their battle cry sounds the same.

    WAXIE: Ka-CHINGOS!! Landing here just changed your life!!

    I turned 30K into over 7 Million IN TWO YEARS!!

    And everyone can have the opportunity to do the same ... you just have to know where to look and who can help you get there!!

    TIMMAY: I took $12,000 of my Bar mitzvah money and turned it into a fully audited pretax sum of 1.6 million. Buy my book.
  2. Actually my tagline is:

    I took $12,000 of my Bar mitzvah money and turned it into a fully audited pretax sum of $2 million and then lost $700,000 because I didn't do enough DD. Learn from my successes AND failures. Buy my book.
  3. Surdo


    Waxie still has his Bar Mitzvah money and makes over $100K a month from his chatroom and signal service.

    Timmay is the Milli Vanilli of trading/hedge funds.......Girl you know it's true!
  4. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Waxie still has all his money and is actually a pretty good trader.
  5. This crap does not belong in the trading forum, readers of this thread do not post similar threads in the trading forum. Go litter a different forum with this drivel. Trading forum should be about trading period.
  6. No thread regarding Timmy belongs anywhere near the trading forum.

    It's unfortunate that Baron even lets him advertise here...but I guess he has to pay the bills somehow.

    ET should start a new forum for "Snake Oil".