Is This the Next Obama?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. wildchild


    Is Antonio Villaraigosa poised to be America’s first Latino president?

    "LOS ANGELES—When Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa gavels the 2012 Democratic National Convention into session in Charlotte, N.C., this September, his role as prominent cheerleader for President Barack Obama will be clear.

    It is less clear, for now, if Villaraigosa has designs on the ultimate convention role in 2016—taking center stage to accept his party's nomination on the final night.

    Despite running the country's second largest city and coming from the fastest growing voting demographic in America, the mayor himself is quick to wave off talk of a presidential run.

    "The answer is no," Villaraigosa replied when asked by Yahoo News if he wanted to be president one day. "I want to finish this job with a bang. I want to go out with my head up high. I want to say to this city, 'I put everything into this job,'" he added.

    "The job I've said to people I would like is I would like to be governor of the state of California," he said. (Paging Jerry Brown.)

    It's easy to dismiss Villaraigosa's likelihood of capturing the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, much less the presidency, due to his rocky (and public) personal life, lack of a developed national fundraising base and occasional conflicts with portions of his political base.

    But recall that Bill Clinton made it to the Oval Office with the personal baggage of infidelity and Barack Obama became the first nonwhite candidate to achieve the highest office in the land—you can begin to see how Villaraigosa's interest in a 2016 run may yet still develop."

    I can already hear the line "The only reason you won't vote for him is because he is latino."

    Maybe somebody needs to tell Hillary Clinton about this, because she has her sights set on 2016.