Is there any way to short the Romney Campaign?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hoofhearted, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. you think for a second that spliting the country would solve the differences.. your crazy..... philosophical differences had brothers fighting eachother in the civil war.. i don't know how you think like this.. you sound like a minority that believes the white man is holding you down or something..
    #71     Aug 12, 2012
  2. Splitting the country wouldn't solve every difference, no, because you'd still have people further from the ideological center existing within each of the two countries alongside people who identified with that ideology, but less intensely. So, a hard-core Communist would have to convince someone slightly left-of-center of the viability of Communism, but there would be no right-of-center opposition because they'd all be living under a separate sovereignty.

    I don't see how the Civil War is relevant. The reason there had to be fighting was because one side wouldn't give up its claim to have the right to own slaves.

    No one is claiming anything along those lines today. The divide is primarily around economic and social concerns. If the country were split in two, do you think that one side would invade the other to impose its vision of the optimal tax code or marriage laws? No, it would probably be more like federalism is supposed to be, with each location working out for itself what the ideal tax code or marriage laws are for it.

    I don't know how you get that I sound like someone is holding me down. Nearly every commentator on political discourse says that it is getting more bilious. Just this week, we say an ad from the Obama team that basically claimed Romney was an accessory to murder. Why would people prefer that kind of political situation to the solution I am proposing? Do you just like to argue with people who hate you for how you think? Sounds like a pretty unproductive activity to me, especially since minds are never changed and everyone's pretty much dug in for a war of attrition.
    #72     Aug 12, 2012
  3. OKOK OK ... i was shooting in the dark with the minority comment.. i must say you handled it well... now what i really hear your more or less talking about is taking away the overwhelming power of ONE goverment.. which i think through more powerful state governments which i am a total advocate of.. that way if you wanna be liberal and marry your best dude friend.. great... or if you wanna smoke weed and say its because you can't sleep i'm all for it.. but do it in the states where those kind of people wanna live.. the diversity of statehood i really really like.. if you wanna be a bible belter.. live in freaking Alabama.. if you like your homosexual life.. dont' look for all the bible belters approval.. have fun in La! i mean there is a place for everyone in this world.. i think its when these philosophical hard heads start trying to impose things on other people .. thinking they know the best evolution for society is when things get jacked up.. in this sense i totally agree with you..
    #73     Aug 12, 2012
  4. My uncle told me when I was a small boy, that if there was one thing I could bank on in life it's this:
    "People who are older, generally know better than you."

    It may be the only advice he gave me that I still take with me today at the ripe old age of 38.

    Not every one is as lucky to have a wise old uncle the way I was though....
    #74     Aug 13, 2012
  5. lol
    #75     Aug 13, 2012
  6. actually, it started out that way ...bahaha
    #76     Aug 13, 2012

  7. ...some things are better left un-Googled :/
    #77     Aug 13, 2012
  8. a better question is this:
    If we split up, Who gets the desert, and Who gets the trees?
    #78     Aug 13, 2012