Is there any value in these message boards from a trader's perspective?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by retaildaytrader, Oct 2, 2009.



    Real traders trade during the day. Others post all day.

    I'm going on 14 years as a full time trader. ET has gone downhill in many ways - but mostly due to posters who have little to nothing to offer. And those very posters make up a larger and larger percentage of the posts as time goes on.
    #11     Oct 3, 2009
  2. So your point is, you came onto a message board to tell everyone why they are wasting their time?

    And informing them of stuff that anyone who spends enough time already knows?

    Cannot wait until you give your conclusions on "Breathing: Pros and Cons"
    #12     Oct 3, 2009
  3. I'm a little older then you think. I've been around the markets for quite a while starting in the 1980s. The difference between now and then is that it wasn't my full time job in the 80s or 90s. My business was construction. The other difference is that it didnt require a lot of brainpower or strategy to make money in the markets in the 80s or 90s.

    My business was construction. I had a broker and a simple strategy back then. I had a desktop computer with an Intel processor so I bought INTC. There was a Walmart in my area which always seemed crowded so I bought WMT. There were GE commercials on all the time so I bought that. I liked Pepsi and McDonalds so I bought that too. I had 9 Caterpillar machines so I bought CAT. In the construction business, you always stuck with the people and names you knew so I thought going with the names that were right in front of me seemed like a good idea.

    My experience also encompasses gambling and I studied and followed that for over 20 years. Cardgames, name it. I followed it like some people follow baseball or football.

    However, now is a different time. I might be a little older, but I have a lot more knowledge, experience, emotional control and gut instinct then you. If you dont see me around in 2 years, then its because I'll be dead, but not because I gave up or failed.

    The proof is in the brokerage statements. I started an account with just 50,000 in August and its up to about 84000 which is a 68% return in less then two months. I would say that about 80-90% of my trades have been losers. I didnt do it through stockpicks or luck, but used the same lessons that gambling taught me. Its all about strategy, probability and management.

    With my life experiences, I can tell you right now that you are wrong and in 2011 your attitude will be vastly different, but I dont know about your maturity. That will probably be the same. So why dont you crawl back in your hole kid.

    #13     Oct 3, 2009
  4. The site provides the opportunity to get to know who has something valuable to contribute.
    It is on those threads you will find you can participate and give something in return for all to benefit from.

    It can lead to a behind the scenes network of fellow traders who often communicate and develop further.

    You can even use this network to meet some of the good folks here in person at a traders expo continuing to expand your opportunities to grow as a trader.

    This is not the only site to network in trading. If you do not care for it here, google. It will open he doors to a vast amount of information you seek.
    #14     Oct 3, 2009
  5. nevadan


    As a general rule there is an inverse correlation between the number of posts by an ETer and the value of their content. Over the years I have found some useful things but you have to be prepared to wade through a lot of BS to get them. Also what might have been a good thread usually seems to degenerate into a pissing match. There are some really sharp tech guys here. That is where I find the most value on ET.
    #15     Oct 3, 2009
  6. Or maybe you need a 4) Traders who perceive themselves as successful but have no other outlet where they can share their knowledge/boast about their life achievements? Or is this just a variation on 3) attention-getter? Why would anyone need to question other people on a message board on the validity of said board? If it serves a purpose for you, stay and read/post; if not, just remove it from your favorites menu.
    #16     Oct 3, 2009
  7. maxpi


    ET sort of puts me to sleep in different ways... then one day I am startled awake and I realize that I have to do something in the area of "own due diligence" where I have instead been absorbing idiocy and inaccuracy from people that don't know and Trolls...

    There isn't any quick route to trading skill, it's a very, very complex area of expertise, very complex... so I read these forums and try to keep things somewhat intelligent and funny if nothing else when I post... and occasionally I find something that I really enjoy or can use...

    As far as sharing of TA knowledge... forget it, it's way down from what it was a few years ago.. maybe the Trolls just killed off the enthusiasm and camaraderie....

    Hee hee, these Trolls are building up something... I always wondered what it would be like if these jerks acted like they do in real life.... I almost killed some rude jerk about two weeks ago, if he had gotten out of his chicken little car I would have killed him.... so I'm recommending that people put them on ignore and not let the anger build... just to keep yourselves out of the lock up.... otoh, if you want to, kill at will, you have my permission :cool:
    #17     Oct 3, 2009
  8. I thought at first I might be able to get some ideas from these sites, but now that I have been on them a little while, I dont believe that is the case.

    What I do now is read these sites on the weekends or other spare time, but try to stay away during the days I am "working". I can see whats happening in the market from the nightly scans I do. The stocks posted up here tend to be ones that have already made their move. Probably some guy saw it on yahoo's top gainers list and threw it up here.

    These sites will be just a sidegig for me when I have time.

    #18     Oct 3, 2009
  9. Quote from retaildaytrader:

    I'm a little older then you think.

    OK, so maybe you are 16 or 17 instead of the 15 year old you come across as.

    I've been around the markets for quite a while starting in the 1980s.

    So was I.

    The difference between now and then is that it wasn't my full time job in the 80s or 90s. My business was construction. The other difference is that it didnt require a lot of brainpower or strategy to make money in the markets in the 80s or 90s.

    My business was construction. In the construction business, you always stuck with the people and names you knew so I thought going with the names that were right in front of me seemed like a good idea.

    I owned an 11 person roofing company. So what is your point? Has nothing to do with trading. You keep trying to come across like a seasoned veteran. But it is not impressing anyone. You should be reading the other responses to that effect.

    My experience also encompasses gambling and I studied and followed that for over 20 years. Cardgames, name it. I followed it like some people follow baseball or football. However, now is a different time. I might be a little older, but I have a lot more knowledge, experience, emotional control and gut instinct then you.

    Your evidence? Your original post is a whiny, disillusioned complainer who is trying to "educate" the poor unfortunates on ET. But it is yourself who has much to learn.

    If you dont see me around in 2 years, then its because I'll be dead, but not because I gave up or failed.

    Yes, I cover that below.

    The proof is in the brokerage statements. I started an account with just 50,000 in August and its up to about 84000 which is a 68% return in less then two months. I would say that about 80-90% of my trades have been losers. I didnt do it through stockpicks or luck, but used the same lessons that gambling taught me. Its all about strategy, probability and management.

    So the fact you tripped over a lucky streak is impressive, why? Two months is a rounding error in the life of a trader.

    With my life experiences, I can tell you right now that you are wrong and in 2011

    You need to stop listening to Harold. The rapture will not be occurring as per his Family Radio assertions. And with your attitude problems, you may be "left behind."

    Maturity? You blew yours away by starting a thread displaying your public ignorance. As for "kid" I have been trading for over 20 years and am probably as old as you, although you come across like a whiny 15 year old.

    Try something called "being personal" instead of being condescending, rude and informing others how the internet world works.
    #19     Oct 3, 2009
  10. There's plenty of value on ET, as there has been in the past, as there continues to be, and as there will be in the future.

    Every thread started details the journey of one trader communicating with others, sharing their life insights, experiences and knowledge as they relate to trading.

    The process of interaction amongst traders is what often creates the unfoldment of knowledge itself.

    So on that note, have a great weekend and good trading to all.
    #20     Oct 3, 2009