Is there a solution for Economic Inequality?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by VanessaChu, May 5, 2007.

  1. The answer is in the middle. However, Capitalism is the more evil of the two. It is a system that cannot be stopped without a financial crash. So it will fight & transform to survive, while completely shattering the "ideals" that it preaches.
    You can observe the "ideal" nation of USA turn into corporate feudalism, while manipulating its socialist components.

    A purely socialist system of "equality" is retarded. People have different standards for themselves. So let them exercise that. I have no problem with that. However, what is happening now is that the elite are psychotic and are willing throw the lower class out on the street all for a few extra % points on their already absurd wealth. There is a documented pattern of wealth shift from the middle class into the upper 5%, with a little bit trickling into the ultra poor through government programs. A lot of it is due to the exclusive power of the elite, the other is through inflation & money supply. You know what, how can anyone claim fair opportunity when only the top 5% get the beneficial access to money supply growth while the rest of us only suffer from it through inflation?

    I'm not even going to get into the environmental damage, natural resource & food waste of capitalism. It's sickening.
    #51     May 17, 2007
  2. No, this is false. Here's the facts

    * Only 19 percent receive any income or wealth of any kind from a trust fund or an estate.

    * Fewer than 20 percent inherited 10 percent or more of their wealth.

    * More than half never received as much as $1 in inheritance.

    * Fewer than 25 percent ever received "an act of kindness" of $10,000 or more from their parents, grandparents, or other relatives.

    * Ninety-one percent never received, as a gift, as much as $1 of the ownership of a family business.

    * Nearly half never received any college tuition from their parents or other relatives.

    * Fewer than 10 percent believe they will ever receive an inheritance in the future.

    #52     May 17, 2007
  3. joash99


    What's the source of those numbers ?
    #53     May 17, 2007
  4. Stalin and Mao killed tens of millions of their own people, Cambodia exterminated 30% of their own population, Vietnam killed about 3 million after the south fell...death camps, secret police, no rule of law....

    ...And yet you say capitalism is the more evil of the two.
    #54     May 17, 2007
  5. joash99


    ...and you forgot the countless number of dictators sponsored by United States like Pinochet, Saddam Hussein,...
    #55     May 17, 2007
  6. Google it.

    #56     May 17, 2007
  7. fusionz


    the millionaire next door.
    #57     May 17, 2007
  8. What kind of tanks did Saddam have? What kind of jets, rifles? He had T72's, Migs, AK47s - all Soviet weapons. He received his critical chemical weapons technology from German firms. During the Iran-Iraq war in the early '80's, the US provided some intelligence to Saddam, especially regarding Iranian troop movements.

    I usually stay out of political arguments here because there are so many intellectually lazy, brainwashed fools like you that it's a complete waste of time. The info on Saddam's weapons and his alliances over the years is easy to find but it's easier for you to just parrot whatever you've been told. It's easier and more socially acceptable for you to remain ignorant.

    The number of people killed by shady US allies during the Cold War is a tiny fraction of those killed by your beloved comrades.
    #58     May 17, 2007
  9. #59     May 17, 2007
  10. joash99


    Chill out Deepfried. You talk like you know something. But you must realized that politic is 90% bs and that every clan has its own version of the story. It's almost impossible to know the real truth about the implication of the US in Iraq in the 80s unless you work at the CIA. You probably simply cherry pick the version that you prefer.

    I'd like to come back on your reply to the last post of Hydroblunt. When Hydro talks about the two evils he probably meant socialism and capitalism not totalitarianism and capitalism. All the examples (Stalin, Mao and the likes) have nothing to do with socialism.

    And by the way I'm not a communist...I'm in the middle between socialism and capitalism
    #60     May 17, 2007