Is there a good tutorial course out there?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by ric, May 25, 2005.

  1. ric


    Whats the web address for online training academy?
    #11     May 27, 2005
  2. kubilai


    You're way ahead of most people on ET already. Good luck.
    #12     May 27, 2005
  3. f_medina


    I'm learning my self so I really can't answer your question with complete certainty. Have you noticed how people avoid the point of your question? I hate to be a cynic, but everyone understands exactly what you've asked, they just don't want to answer. It's like that old saying about greed, "I'm not just glad that I have, I'm glad that you have not." I know this from first-hand experience because I went to the chat room here and asked if anyone knew what was the best form of receiving news through a streaming sqwuak box, and no one answered. I got so pissed-off that that I asked the same question over 15 times and it's like I wasn't there. I find that incredible. Anyway, I'm having a bad morning. I'm searching myself. However, I have read a book called "Forex Trading for Maximum Profit, The best kept secret off Wall Street". It's a great book. The author has a website ( ) and online courses are taught there. The only problem is that it is very pricy. Many sources that I have researched have all pointed me there because the author has been very successful. I'm thinking about it. It's just very expensive. Good luck.
    #13     May 27, 2005
  4. See if this will help you searching for study material. Go to this site and look at the top of the page for a link to a rental library of over 500 cd and dvd for different courses; there is a partial list on the page.
    #14     May 27, 2005
  5. ric


    Checked out the site. I'll at least buy her book. It's refreshing to see a site, that although it's selling a product, isn't super hype show that says it'l make you rich overnight. Her bio seems sounds realistic too.
    #15     May 27, 2005
  6. ric


    eeek, $2495 for her course. Mmmmmm maybe I spoke too soon. I'll have to do a search here and see what comes up.
    #16     May 27, 2005
  7. f_medina


    I did warn you that it was pricy!!!
    I mean that course better include some sort of sexual gratification or something. HA HA

    Good luck in finding something.

    If I find something, I'll let you know through this thread.

    Have a good day!!!
    #17     May 27, 2005