is there a forum aimed at scalpng rather than "one stop shop"?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by mute9003, May 22, 2024.

  1. mute9003


    this forum has way too many people with too many different ideas and different strategies to be helpful.
    every time i ask a question here it gets derailed by random ass people posting their opinions and getting into endless arguments with eachother over who is right.
    absolutely not helpful to a new trader who is trying to learn basics.
    in addition to big ego know it all trolls who purposely post click bait to get people to argue about a useless point just so they can feel smarter than everyone else here posting unrelated technical essays to back up their claims(when nobody even asked for that)

    im trying to find a forum that deals specifically with scalping (maybe even specific to scalping the morning session)
    because this forum so far gave me absolutely zero useful information overall net zero.
    and alot of bullshit useless bickering with bighead wannabe traders who puked out information that is useless and that neither me or others asked for
    tomi01, johnnymac, aja and 6 others like this.
  2. MarkBrown


    start a thread i kinda feel the same way - m
  3. tiddlywinks


    Good idea! :thumbsup:

    But I see 2 immediate stumbling blocks...
    1) breakdown by vehicle (stocks, futures, options, etc), otherwise it's kinda the same as things are now.
    2) Scalping by definition is fast... there would be limited real-time identification/discussion/learning.
    And ahead of that, there is dare I say, confusion, of what the term "scalping" means.
    zdreg, schizo and MarkBrown like this.
  4. newwurldmn


    1. perhaps ask your questions in a manner that people will answer better.

    2. sift through the bickering and bighead wannabe trader posts to find your gold nuggets.

    3. no matter where you look, the signal to noise will be very low.

    the topics you are looking for are full of degenerates and "wannabes." if you were trading vol, your experience would be different because the bigheads there actually know stuff and will offer help.
  5. p0box4


    Every forum has people like the one's you are mentioning, unfortunately, you just have to filter through it.

    Opening your own thread might help and then you can ask moderators to remove posts that are off topic.
  6. mervyn


    give a definition of scalping first.
    qlai, oshjdf and murray t turtle like this.
  7. MarkBrown


    Definition of Scalping in Trading

    Scalping is a trading strategy that involves making numerous small profits through rapid buying and selling of securities over a very short period, often seconds to minutes. Scalpers seek to exploit small price gaps created by order flows or spreads, with the goal of accumulating numerous small gains that can add up to a substantial profit by the end of the trading day.

    Key characteristics of scalping include:

    1. High Frequency of Trades: Scalpers execute a high number of trades, sometimes dozens or hundreds in a single day, to capture small price movements.

    2. Small Profit Targets: Each trade aims for a very small profit, often just a few cents or ticks.

    3. Short Holding Periods: Positions are held for a very short duration, often just a few seconds to a few minutes.

    4. Minimal Exposure: The short holding periods minimize the risk exposure to significant price swings that can occur over longer periods.

    5. Use of Leverage: Scalpers often use leverage to amplify the small price movements into meaningful profits.

    6. Technical Analysis: Scalping heavily relies on technical analysis, chart patterns, and technical indicators to identify entry and exit points.

    7. Liquidity: Scalpers typically trade in highly liquid markets, such as major currency pairs in Forex, large-cap stocks, or index futures, to ensure quick entry and exit from trades without affecting the market price significantly.

    8. Focus on Spreads: Many scalping strategies involve profiting from the bid-ask spread, especially in market-making activities.
    Scalping requires a disciplined approach, advanced trading tools, and often the use of automated trading systems to execute trades swiftly. It is a highly active form of trading that demands constant attention and quick decision-making.

    via 4o
    aja, birdman, Illini Trader and 5 others like this.
  8. Coin Flip

    Coin Flip

    I'm not being condescending, but new traders don't add much value to the discussion because they know nothing. However, they do contribute to the view count and ad revenue of the website so they are most certainly welcome here.

    My advice to you is to use the search function on EliteTrader and pick up some golden nuggets. I definitely did, so I am grateful to EliteTrader.
  9. Reveal your formulas...It will eliminate half the noise (and create another half). But the other half should have a better quality of response. Don't you believe others have tried your formulas many times.

    You do not need to share your future proposals to add on to your calculations...Just where you are now. Most traders talk in finance/Greeks and binary languages (say C+)...

    PS Do you really understand MMs? Just asking...Cart before the horse.
  10. Hello mute9003,

    This is forum is very good learn day trading.

    But no ET members is going to tell you how they are Exactly making money from the ES futures market.

    You have to figure that out on your own and by yourself.

    Because if I tell you a strategy you will ask for proof, and I have no proof cause I am trying to get rich in the ES futures market as well working my ass off night and day coding algos and testing all SORTS of stuff.

    We just have ideas and tips, nothing concrete.

    So if you are looking for a ET member to give you an exact strategy to make ALOT money in the ES futures market, not going to happen. EVER.

    ALOT = +$500,000 per year
    #10     May 22, 2024
    Handle123, DaveV and comagnum like this.