Is the European Union doomed?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by jficquette, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. toc



    I am no Russian but like to take the right side of things. NATO has no right to expand eastwards and create problems like we see in Georgia today. Like said before, commies are gone so should the NATO desires against and anxieties of Russia.

    Let's spend more resources on the good causes of the Human race not on weapons for its destruction. :D
    #61     Aug 19, 2008
  2. Oh, agree wholeheartedly. But when you make a stupid statement that super powers have different rights than "stupid Georgia or Chechnya", I'm going to jump all over it. Countries with power need to show MORE responsibility, not less, in keeping the peace.

    And yes, that includes the U.S. and it's shitty policy of convenient unilateralism.
    #62     Aug 19, 2008
  3. Cesko


    Are you nuts? You talk like Bush:"I looked into his (Putin) eyes and I knew I could trust him". The same American(or whatever western country you are from) naive stupidity. Putin,mind you, is a former KGB agent. He didn't become secret agent just because he wanted to. I bet Putin's whole family were fucking communists. That's the way he was brought up. Ideologically you had to be top-notch. Didn't he say dissolution of USSR was the biggest disaster in last century?

    Yeah it's different now. Go to Poland and explain to them (in you infinite western wisdom) they have nothing to fear about anymore.
    #63     Aug 19, 2008
  4. new$


    About ten yrs ago Colin Powel said Russia has the power to snuf all life in the US in less than 30 mins. I get the feeling sometimes we have children playing with nuclear toys.
    #64     Aug 19, 2008
  5. That's a little silly considering the U.S. has the exact same power towards Russia. M.A.D., right?

    However, I would agree that Russians do behave like children on the world stage. I'm just shocked at how little the rest of the world understands Russia. If they were better informed (which surprises me considering the resources at many countries' disposal) they would know better how to manipulate Russia. Russians are the Klingons of the world, to use a Star Trek reference. Except Klingons had honor.
    #65     Aug 19, 2008
  6. new$


    #66     Aug 19, 2008
  7. So wait a minute, are you suggesting Russia would launch a world-wide nuclear strike because they were worried about being "taken down"?

    Ugh...this conversation is no longer useful. I'm out.
    #67     Aug 19, 2008