Is Scataphagos insane?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Gabfly1, Mar 1, 2011.

Is Scataphagos insane?

  1. Yes

    24 vote(s)
  2. No

    29 vote(s)
  1. Seriously.
  2. Ricter


    He might be one of those bots mentioned in another thread. In that case he cannot be considered insane.
  3. Was Jared anti government?
  4. Ricter


    If human, he could be a very skilled griefer, perhaps a member of one of the internet's "professional" griefer groups. If so, even asking if he's insane means he gets some points there.
  5. No. I think he want to make people afraid of Obama. So he tell everyone he is "COMMUNIST" in the big capital letters. But he is not stupid you can see in his posts. He know what he is doing. (The end justifies the means) for poster Scataphagos.
  6. Hello


    Do you have a link to one of these professional griefer groups? I want to see if a professionally trolled forum looks much different then ET. :D
  7. Ricter


  8. Before Scataphagos was "born," he went by a different user name. I respected him. I respected his political views even though I didn't always agree with every one of them. I respected his trading-related posts. And the man is certainly no slouch with a computer. However, when Obama came to the fore, and even before he was elected, this ET member's foundation began to crack. That he opted to change his user name for reasons other than comical effect and entirely of his own volition, and that such name change coincided with his tragic metamorphosis to a raving lunatic, suggests a duality. This man is not the man he was when he joined ET. And while I enjoyed reading his earlier posts, I would genuinely be very uncomfortable finding myself in the same room with Scataphagos.
  9. Ricter


    What about his handle, though? It's too good to be the result of a merely mechanical Latin/Greek random generator. Had to be human intervention there.
  10. Larson

    Larson Guest

    Why do you single Scat out? He has one anthem and sticks to it. There are several other targets on this forum, who clearly manifest the saying "the light is on, but nobody is home".
    #10     Mar 1, 2011