Is Republican majority good for the stock market?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by buzzy2, Nov 6, 2002.

  1. the real question is, "IS SOCIALISM GOOD FOR THE STOCK MARKET".... and the answer is of course HELL NO.

    We are forced to vote republican just to keep the power mongers in the dem party from destroying capitalism, not because we want a quick pop in the S&P 500.


    1. Reps come into power, enforce the law, cut taxes
    2. nothing much happens, because it takes years for the good changes to work.
    3. voters get frustrated and vote democrat
    4. dems take over when times are getting better and take all the credit of course.
    5. lack of law enforcement, expensive regulation, and higher taxes do their damage.
    6. Voters go back to the republicans to fix things.
    7. Angry loyal dems lose touch with reality and blame the damage on the reps.

    Step 8: THE PRESENT
    #31     Nov 8, 2002
  2. that's certainly a popular theory.

    of course, i could argue a similar, albeit opposite cycle where repubs spend a bunch of money they don't have, pretend to cut taxes, run the debt way up, burn a bunch more cash fighting foreign wars against weak enemies, and then when people get sick of debt and paranoia they vote dem and pay off the debt, and foreign investment returns to the US, sending everything higher...

    of course, who's in charge probably doesn't matter anyway...
    #32     Nov 8, 2002
  3. Rigel


    #33     Nov 8, 2002
  4. the CEO's did that...not the republican party or bush. they were doing it through the Clinton admin and the SEC turned the other cheek.

    now Spitzer is uncovering all this shit and the Reps are being blamed for it of course.

    don't bring that weak bs here please.
    #34     Nov 8, 2002
  5. i know dems like to take credit for s--t they had nothing to do the economy in the 90s.
    #35     Nov 8, 2002
  6. oh, ok, thanks for telling it like it REALLY is. it's all so obvious now.

    all you freaky conspiracy theorists turn your heads

    the plan is this - bin laden wants to kill the US economy. first and foremost.

    he sees bush get elected and sees bush quickly prove that no bush has ever been and ever will be good for the US economy.

    bin laden realizes that although bush's failure is helpful for bin laden's desire to kill the US economy, bush will not get re-elected the way things are going.

    "BUSH NEEDS A WAR!!" Osama thought to himself. "Even though a costly war wasn't quite enough to help his father get re-elected, wars usually endear a president to his people, a la roosevelt and my old friend Tarbaj from Talala." [translated]

    so bin laden masterminded the 9/11 plots to start this "war on terrorism." i mean, after all, bin laden's family did do business with the bush clan in the past.

    "four more years" bin laden chuckled to himself, as he light up his opium pipe and lied back for his third and final fellatio service of the day from the hotel prostitute.
    #36     Nov 8, 2002
  7. you might just be quite simply...AN IDIOT.

    in the words of Jackie Mason..."I say that with the highest respect". lol
    #37     Nov 9, 2002
  8. "maybe so, maybe not"

    -trey anastasio
    #38     Nov 10, 2002
  9. Rigel


    It's an old but effective (and dishonest) tactic, when used against the inexperienced, to spout a bunch of disjointed hooey and sit back and watch the opponent explode trying to argue against it or figure it out. Let it blow right under you. It has about as much significance as a single flake of snow floating in a blizzard on a dark, windy night. :)
    #39     Nov 10, 2002